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[bug] deleted contact reappears

asked 2015-03-08 16:35:24 +0300

Ganpat gravatar image

updated 2015-03-09 09:18:24 +0300

I already saw a post about unable to remove contacts permanently, but it does not have a solution. my problem is not only two way contact like gmail or face contacts , but say even if i add a new contact with just a mobile number, i am unable to delete it after uts created. i mean when i delete it goes off, but it reappears after some time. i tried creating so many new contacts and it happens again with all. i am also unable to modify the number, when i modify it and the old number reappears. i have this problem from long time. i have latest version yviaalanmpi. please help

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I have the same problem. Not related with Sim card problem more probably witch two way contacts (gmail) since they should also get pushed to gmail after creating them.

renegade22 ( 2015-04-06 20:25:42 +0300 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2015-04-02 14:20:49 +0300

TKorho gravatar image

updated 2015-04-02 14:59:37 +0300

I have the very same: I have added phone numbers to contacts, and they disappear, and I have removed phone numbers from contacts, and they disappear. Rebooting the phone did not help. Also saving/accepting/touching cancel-timer does not seem to change the behavior.

This is now first major problem with Jolla, endangering its useability. I remember having seen this sometimes earlier, but then the problem just went away, and sometimes later the removed information just had gone. But now it looks like I can't force the changes anymore. Perhaps I will need to copy the data manually, and totally remove the contact, and rewrite them?

* EDIT: This may be connected to to other reports on contact being on the SIM card. I have no visibility to where the contacts might be, and no easy way to control them. I can't even make sure if this is the problem. But if they would be on the SIM, it might cover this thread problem as well.

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answered 2015-04-27 18:39:18 +0300

vinnyc gravatar image

if u delete unwanted contacts from your google account first you will be able to delete them from your device:

Log in to your gmail. *Click the 'Gmail' above the compose icon and select 'contacts'. *You will then find all your contacts, scroll and delete individually by pressing the elipsees on the right of the screen and then pressing delete. *To select more that one click on the avatar to the left of the contact name and a tick should appear.

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answered 2019-11-29 00:28:12 +0300

Problem still exists in If I delete a contact, it appears after some time and the contact is not deleted from Google sync.

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Asked: 2015-03-08 16:35:24 +0300

Seen: 1,036 times

Last updated: Nov 29 '19