Poll: Jolla 2 Smartphone HW specs [duplicate]
asked 2015-04-02 22:15:11 +0200
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Dear Jolla users/supporters/fans, since we are still expecting new phone to appear, I think it is time to indicate to Jolla what we really expect from a Jolla 2 Smartphone, now, in Spring 2015. The poll will contain just a hardware wish list. Software, as you know, can be changed on the fly and for it we have releases. Hardware is a monolith piece of equipment and all ideas should be consolidated on one place. This is the reason I am making this poll now.
Each possible, important, major entry, will be a separate answer. It will contain general description of the feature and we vote on it. If you want to further specify it - extend it, explain why it is important to have (or not) please create a comment under the question. The comment can be voted on too.
Please check the existing features (answers) before creating a new one, to concentrate the poll and make it useful and relevant. Please also do not put negative votes - instead create another entry (answer) with the technology you want. Keep comments outside of answers, in Comments only.
what is this for, we already have tens of' hardware polls on here...
chemist ( 2015-04-03 11:18:13 +0200 )editduplicate as basically every tjc entry is a poll already https://together.jolla.com/question/19564/jolla-2nd-device-hw-suggestions/
chemist ( 2015-04-03 11:30:35 +0200 )editChemist, this is NOT a duplicate. It is a better, properly structured poll, such did not exist so far. The one you are referring to is messy and disorganised, outdated.
Atanas ( 2015-04-03 13:08:57 +0200 )editJose, please remove your comment, it spams the poll. Most of the points you raise are included in the poll. Feel free to add some, if not there. But such big opinions are not useful to the poll, as they make it unreadable.
Atanas ( 2015-04-03 13:19:04 +0200 )edit@Atanas I second @chemist, yet I like your approach. Perhaps this thread has a good reason to co-exist.
Low ( 2015-04-03 15:36:14 +0200 )edit