[bug] contact shared with bluetooth has fields filled wrongly

asked 2015-04-29 20:14:16 +0300

c.la gravatar image

I have currently sailfish on Jolla.

I shared few contacts from jolla to my friend's phone using bluetooth.

The vcf contact has the surname field wrongly filled with <name> <whitespace> <surname></surname></whitespace></name> or <company name=""></company>. Let me show some examples: 1. contact name JOHN surname DOE vcf sent over bluetooth: name JOHN surname JOHN DOE

  1. contact name JOHN company name SOMECOMPANY vcf sent over bluetooth: name JOHN surname JOHN SOMECOMPANY

  2. contact: company name SOMECOMPANY vcf sent over bluetooth: name SOMECOMPANY company name SOMECOMPANY

please fix it, is a minor but annoying bug.

Thank you

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Haven't seen an issue like this before.

If you are ok with enabling developer mode and taking debug logs, please make a ticket for customer care:


They will instruct you how to get debugging information for r&d to check. Privacy note: debug logs for contact transfer will contain the full data transferred during log taking and possibly other personal information.

hmallat ( 2015-05-28 10:11:06 +0300 )edit

@hmallat Thanks for replying. I already have ticket 18713 open :)

c.la ( 2015-06-05 09:10:03 +0300 )edit