help-request call history never ends loading [answered]
About product reports sailfish os version
I moved /home/.local/share/ to sdcard and created a link with ln -s . It worked for a while then I realized that calendar events disappeared.
Then I executed journalctrl -f which revealed that access to /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/: Permission denied (d---rwx--- 9 nemo nemo ... )
Then I changed privileged folder's permission (drwxrwx...) and calendar's events came back.
Then I got a call from a contact (stored number as 003670xxx but appeared as +3670xxx) and I was wondering why it did not recognize it. Then I opened call history but it is just loading - at least a busy indicator circle is displayed without any items. This time journalctrl -f shows:
22:41:25 Jolla lipstick[1001]: [W] unknown:278 - file:///usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/switcher/Switcher.qml:278:35: Unable to assign [undefined] to QQmlComponent* 22:41:25 Jolla lipstick[1001]: [W] DeclarativeWindow::_setAllowedOrientations:215 - Invalid allowedOrientations value: 0 22:41:28 Jolla tart[1241]: [W] QSqlQuery::prepare:950 - QSqlQuery::prepare: database not open 22:41:28 Jolla tart[1241]: [W] CommHistoryDatabase::prepare:340 - Failed to prepare query 22:41:28 Jolla tart[1241]: [W] CommHistoryDatabase::prepare:341 - QSqlError(-1, "", "") 22:41:28 Jolla tart[1241]: [W] CommHistoryDatabase::prepare:342 - UPDATE Events SET isRead=1 WHERE type=:eventType AND isRead=0 22:41:28 Jolla tart[1241]: [W] CommHistory::DatabaseIO::markAsReadAll:1127 - Failed to execute query 22:41:28 Jolla tart[1241]: [W] CommHistory::DatabaseIO::markAsReadAll:1128 - QSqlError(-1, "Driver not loaded", "Driver not loaded") 22:41:28 Jolla tart[1241]: [W] CommHistory::DatabaseIO::markAsReadAll:1129 - "" 22:41:28 Jolla tart[1241]: [W] CommHistory::CallModel::markAllRead:944 - bool CommHistory::CallModel::markAllRead() Failed to delete events
Please help, what should I check?
Thanks in advance
I blame myself for copying the folder instead of moving... or at least copy with preserving permissions...
I have received list of folders from Kimmoli and changed owner of folders to the listed ones but issue remains.
Following command was used to list folder access levels:
find /home/nemo/.local/share/ -ls | grep -v "nemo *nemo"
After executing following command as nemo the call history was loaded:
systemctl --user restart voicecall-ui-prestart.service
After executing following command as nemo the sms send-receive worked again:
systemctl --user restart commhistoryd.service
and the voicecall-ui process could open following DBs:
ls -l /proc/id/fd/
lsof contacts.db shows