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Carddav account to Synology-DS-CardDAV-Server through MyFritz dont run [not relevant]

asked 2015-11-16 18:27:16 +0200

Runningtrilo gravatar image

updated 2015-11-16 20:53:30 +0200

Hello Community. I am using Jolla Sailfis OS2.0 ( and PC-Clients under Ubuntu-12.0.4 lts.

I use caldav-calendars with thunderbird lightning hosted by my own Synology-Server under https://ip:port/sync/user/ from LAN with static ip, from www with connection through „Myfritz“ from any Clients und with my Jolla - all with regular funktion. Under „Myfritz“, the ip has the form of https://xxxxx.myfritz.net:port/sync/user

And now i want to use carddav with the same mashines. the path : https://ip:port/addressbooks/users/user/addressbook runs from LAN with static ip, from www with connection through „Myfritz“ from any Clients but the Jolla opens under „carddav and caldav“ an account, the status is „active“, the Password is accepted and : . . . nothing works. Under "import contacts" the account dont appear and the existing contacts dont changes - what happens ? Please help

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The question has been closed for the following reason "question is not relevant or outdated" by Runningtrilo
close date 2017-02-13 12:11:34.921668


You do both caldav and carddav in one setting? Try splitting up the accounts.

cy8aer ( 2015-11-25 14:22:17 +0200 )edit

4 Answers

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answered 2015-11-16 21:08:51 +0200

jazz gravatar image

Please post the logs of the Synology. That way it is possible to debug.

I was checking the logs of an owncloud (other carddav/caldav) server when using Sailfish 2.0 as the client. It seems that the OS rewrites @ into %2540 instead of %40 (username = user@domain.com in this case):

PROPFIND /owncloud/remote.php/caldav/calendars/user%40domain.com/personal PROPFIND /owncloud/remote.php/caldav/principals/user%2540domain.com/

Maybe this helps. I don't have a solution yet...

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answered 2015-12-02 11:50:26 +0200

cocovina gravatar image

For those who do not want have their data somewhere on Internet, or not have their own server, this may be a useful solution...

I have installed and use the Baikal server as a package on home/office Synology NAS. Works well (opposite of the ownCloud - which does not sync all the items correctly). As central administration I use InfCloud.

Unfortunately the original Synology CarDAV server does not work with SFOS yet. :(

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answered 2015-11-17 20:50:37 +0200

Runningtrilo gravatar image

In my ip-address is not an @ ore equal sign. The ip : https://xxxxx.myfritz.net:port/sync/user contents in the area of the xxx only numbers and characters but not any special signs.

I try to find the logs of my carddav-server.

Thanks Hubertus

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answered 2015-11-25 14:05:14 +0200

cocovina gravatar image

Have the same problem like @jazz . SFOS vs. Synology CardDAV Server (DSM 5.2).

In Jolla's journal log I see this:

[root@Jolla nemo]# journalctl -a -f | grep carddav
Nov 25 12:46:45 Jolla estart[1295]: [W] Buteo::ProfileManagerPrivate::writeProfileFile:1153 - writeProfileFile() called, forcing disk write: "/home/nemo/.cache/msyncd/sync/carddav.Contacts-15.xml"
Nov 25 12:46:45 Jolla [969]: [W] Buteo::ProfileManagerPrivate::writeProfileFile:1153 - writeProfileFile() called, forcing disk write: "/home/nemo/.cache/msyncd/sync/carddav.Contacts-15.xml"
Nov 25 12:46:45 Jolla [969]: [W] Buteo::ProfileManagerPrivate::writeProfileFile:1153 - writeProfileFile() called, forcing disk write: "/home/nemo/.cache/msyncd/sync/carddav.Contacts-15.xml"
Nov 25 12:46:46 Jolla carddav-client[4068]: [W] ContactsEngine::ContactsEngine:845 - The 'mergePresenceChanges' option has not been configured - presence changes will only be reported via ContactManagerEngine::contaeChanged()
Nov 25 12:46:46 Jolla carddav-client[4068]: [D] SignOn::ConnectionManager::setupSocketConnection:106 - connection-manager.cpp 106 setupSocketConnection p2p error: QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound"to connect to socket /run/user/100000/signond/socket: No such file or directory") 1
Nov 25 12:46:46 Jolla carddav-client[4068]: [D] SignOn::ConnectionManager::init:132 - connection-manager.cpp 132 init Peer connection unavailable, activating service
Nov 25 12:46:46 Jolla carddav-client[4068]: [D] SignOn::IdentityImpl::updateState:96 - identityimpl.cpp 96 updateState Updating state:  "PendingRegistration" SignOn::IdentityImpl(0x160a4b8)
Nov 25 12:46:46 Jolla carddav-client[4068]: [D] SignOn::AuthSessionImpl::initInterface:94 - authsessionimpl.cpp 94 initInterface
Nov 25 12:46:46 Jolla carddav-client[4068]: [D] SignOn::AuthSessionImpl::initInterface:94 - authsessionimpl.cpp 94 initInterface
Nov 25 12:46:46 Jolla carddav-client[4068]: [D] SignOn::ConnectionManager::init:150 - connection-manager.cpp 150 init Connected to "libsignon-qt1"
Nov 25 12:46:46 Jolla carddav-client[4068]: [D] SignOn::IdentityImpl::updateState:96 - identityimpl.cpp 96 updateState Updating state:  "Ready" SignOn::IdentityImpl(0x160a4b8)
Nov 25 12:46:46 Jolla carddav-client[4068]: [D] SignOn::IdentityImpl::updateState:96 - identityimpl.cpp 96 updateState Updating state:  "NeedsUpdate" SignOn::IdentityImpl(0x160a4b8)
Nov 25 12:46:46 Jolla carddav-client[4068]: [D] SignOn::IdentityImpl::updateState:96 - identityimpl.cpp 96 updateState Updating state:  "PendingUpdate" SignOn::IdentityImpl(0x160a4b8)
Nov 25 12:46:46 Jolla carddav-client[4068]: [D] SignOn::IdentityImpl::infoUpdated:442 - identityimpl.cpp 442 infoUpdated SERVER INFO UPDATED. NeedsUpdate " 16 "
Nov 25 12:46:46 Jolla carddav-client[4068]: [D] SignOn::IdentityImpl::getInfoReply:381 - identityimpl.cpp 381 getInfoReply QMap(("ACL", QVariant(QStringList, () ) ) ( "AuthMethods" ,  QVariant(QDBusArgument, ) ) ( "  QVariant(QString, "Jolla") ) ( "Id" ,  QVariant(uint, 16) ) ( "Owner" ,  QVariant(QStringList, () ) ) ( "Realms" ,  QVariant(QStringList, () ) ) ( "RefCount" ,  QVariant(int, 0) ) ( "StoreSecret" ,  QVariant(bool, "Type" ,  QVariant(int, 0) ) ( "UserName" ,  QVariant(QString, "lukas") ) ( "UserNameSecret" ,  QVariant(bool, false) ) ( "Validated" ,  QVariant(bool, true) ) )
Nov 25 12:46:46 Jolla carddav-client[4068]: [D] SignOn::IdentityImpl::updateState:96 - identityimpl.cpp 96 updateState Updating state:  "Ready" SignOn::IdentityImpl(0x160a4b8)
Nov 25 12:46:49 Jolla carddav-client[4068]: [W] CardDav::addressbooksInformationResponse:526 - void CardDav::addressbooksInformationResponse() unable to parse addressbook info from response
Nov 25 12:46:49 Jolla carddav-client[4068]: [W] Syncer::cardDavError:284 - CardDAV sync finished with error: 0 purging state data for account: 15
Nov 25 12:46:49 Jolla carddav-client[4068]: [C] CardDavClient::syncFinished:142 - CardDAV sync failed: 401 ""

... can anybody help?

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how I would like to be able to help ... sorry, I can't get it working, too.

With Saimaa and posteo.de I get similar results:

Jan 02 20:14:05 Jolla carddav-client[6576]: [D] SignOn::IdentityImpl::updateState:96 - identityimpl.cpp 96 updateState Updating state: "Ready" SignOn::IdentityImpl(0x1cf0860)

Jan 02 20:14:05 Jolla carddav-client[6576]: [W] CardDav::addressbooksInformationResponse:518 - void CardDav::addressbooksInformationResponse() error: 2 ( 0 )

Jan 02 20:14:05 Jolla carddav-client[6576]: [W] Syncer::cardDavError:284 - CardDAV sync finished with error: 0 purging state data for account: 13

Jan 02 20:14:05 Jolla carddav-client[6576]: [C] CardDavClient::syncFinished:142 - CardDAV sync failed: 401 ""

The response error might point to a bad answer from the remote server. However, it would help much if someone could explain the status numbers like 2 and 13 and 401

Looking disappointed at the SailJolla device ... /d

dietmar ( 2016-01-02 21:22:10 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2015-11-16 18:27:16 +0200

Seen: 1,931 times

Last updated: Dec 02 '15