[bug] duplicated caldav Calendars on the phone
I am a posteo user (mail, addressbook, calendar), syncing to my jolla phone using one account for caldav and carddav. This account is configured to sync with the only existing calender on posteo, named "Standardkalender". The jolla phone adresses this calendar as default.
The phone does well for a while, since lately, after updating to, a coming date gave alarm, twice. The reason is, the calendar management inside the calendar app on the phone owns the calendar twice, each of them including one complete set of all dates. One of them is yellow colored, the other one is green. Therefore, I reviewed the settings inside the caldav account. It still says, sync with "Standardkalender" on posteo. Review on the posteo side is ok, there is just one calendar. Review of the calendar app shows, the calendar is existing twice.
I decided to create a new date in posteo and started syncing in the calendar app of the phone. The date is synced and appears in both calendars of the phone. I deleted the date in just one of those calendar objects. It still exists in the other one. From the phone's point of view, they are two seperated calendars. Sync will not delete the date in posteo itself, but will recreate it on the phone. I have to delete both of them in each calendar on the phone in order to delete it via sync in posteo. I created a new date in just one of the calendars on the phone. It will be created in the green calendar, as the green one is chosen as default in the calendar app. The yellow calendar is ... a zombie. It will then be synced with posteo, and after the next sync will show up in the zombie one, too. Weird. How to get rid of it?
I did not update to Fiskarsinjoki and I already experience the bug. I thougth that Fiskarsinjoki would correct the bug, but according to your comment the bug is still present…
I'm using owncloud for caldav server.
Chimrod ( 2016-10-26 14:11:36 +0200 )editI will remove the word "Fiskarsinjoki" from the headline, then. Thank you for the hint. Meanwhile, I removed the carddav/caldav account - which removes the calendars as well - and added them new. The last time, this 'solution' did not last very long, the dublicated calendars return, sooner or later.
Moo-Crumpus ( 2016-10-26 17:57:51 +0200 )editis it similar to this? https://together.jolla.com/question/90275/bug-calendar-duplicates-on-every-sync/
magullo ( 2016-10-26 22:35:49 +0200 )editDear @Chimrod, there are several threads about owncloud integration. May you have a look and let us know what kind of setup you are running and how you sync that calendar and phonebook are synced correctly?
Thank you.
Kind regards, megalith
Example: https://together.jolla.com/question/129546/bug-sfos-and-owncloud-from-v82x-syncronisation-of-calendar-addressbook-tasks-and-notes/https://together.jolla.com/question/880/summary-of-owncloud-integration/
megalith ( 2016-10-26 23:16:36 +0200 )edit@megalith thank you for the clearing. @Chimrod no, and please don't take over my topic by answering megalith inside this thread. This is caldav & posteo, on the first view.
Moo-Crumpus ( 2016-10-26 23:22:35 +0200 )edit