[German translation] ß instead of ss
The German Translation for
are wrong It should be schließen not schliessen
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The German Translation for
are wrong It should be schließen not schliessen
sorry there is a ẞ https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gro%C3%9Fes_%C3%9F
Nokius ( 2016-12-31 14:36:59 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2016-12-21 15:58:46 +0200
Seen: 437 times
Last updated: Dec 22 '16
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vattuvarg ( 2016-12-21 22:01:58 +0200 )edithttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_orthography_reform_of_1996
Please do not post links if you do not know what their content is about. These reform did not change anything for the word „schließen“, it is still correct with „ß“ and wrong with „ss“ (at least for de_DE). You can check it e.g. here.
inta ( 2016-12-22 00:44:38 +0200 )edit@vattuvarg you forgot the "un" in front of the "related"... because the link is in no relation to the topic
misc11 ( 2016-12-22 00:49:41 +0200 )editThe above link specifies when "ß" should be used. It does not contradict the topic, but relates to it.
vattuvarg ( 2016-12-22 01:17:44 +0200 )edit@vattuvarg if you have nothing of value to contribute you always have the option to just not post anything.
nthn ( 2016-12-22 02:41:02 +0200 )edit