There is a YotaPhone with Sailfish OS .
See there is a YotaPhone with Sailfish OS . So why is it not available for everyone ?
See there is a YotaPhone with Sailfish OS . So why is it not available for everyone ?
That's pretty odd question really.
You do know that there are community ports of SailfishOS for dozens of devices? Somebody just has made a port to the Yotaphone device for demonstration purposes.
The picture you refer to is from 2015. There was quite some buzz in the media then when they assumed Yota would drop Android and switch to SailfishOS. As far as I remember (but I'm not sure) it was like an internal prototype (one among many probably) but never went into mass production. Your question should actually read "There is one YotaPhone with SailfishOS"... and then the second part doesn't make much sense anymore: One prototype can't be available to everyone. :)
Well if they really did had Sailfish on their Yotaphone they should have release the experimental version and interested developer would fix the bugs .
Pavel Soldar ( 2017-03-14 13:23:41 +0200 )editBut they are now . Since it is cheap to buy now . People are interested in Yota software development . And much anticipated on Sailfish OS .
Pavel Soldar ( 2017-03-14 21:08:49 +0200 )editэто не yotaphone. не надо путать тёплое с мягким! это уже совсем другой девайс...
On English (translated by
this is not the yotaphone. not to be confused with the warm soft! this is a completely different device...
Dude, English please, if you wouldn't mind, thank you.
Spam Hunter ( 2017-03-14 21:00:14 +0200 )editAsked: 2017-03-14 06:07:58 +0200
Seen: 2,057 times
Last updated: Mar 16 '17
For years I'm desperate to use Sailfish OS . Now that I got a YotaPhone . It has every thing that I need . I'm very much interested to have the OS on the phone . People are too . I think its Yota to blame . Any one who wants to port the OS will really thank full .
Pavel Soldar ( 2017-03-16 18:07:03 +0200 )edit