[][Sailfish X] Phone freezes and is non responsive [answered]
This morning I was browsing the internet. As every morning I check some news sites. But for some reason the device fully freezes and hangs.
The phone is non responsive to input. The screen is on and back light on full brightness. Holding the power button for multiple seconds doesn't reset or shuts the phone down.
Is there anyone that can help me to get my phone back to life? I had been charging over night so the battery is/was at 100%. Running it down can take a while.
Best regards, DDH
The same thing happened to me yesterday when using the browser. The phone could not be operated and restarted
Rene666 ( 2018-11-10 12:21:38 +0200 )editSame here! This issue was created in 3.0, it never happend to me in any of the 2.x releases
SaimenSays ( 2018-11-11 14:12:53 +0200 )editHere, the developers still have to do a lot, I also hope that it is done in a short time
Rene666 ( 2018-11-11 14:30:35 +0200 )editToday something similar on 3.0.3 Hossa. Wanted to check the rain forecast swiftly on WelkWeer, when SailfishX suddenly froze. After a while of unresponsiveness, I decided to restart the phone. Unfortunately it won't power up any more, no matter what I try: keeping in on a power cable, down button while starting, etc. Any other chances?
rob_kouw ( 2019-05-19 01:55:21 +0200 )edit