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Jolla 2nd device HW suggestions. [not relevant]

asked 2014-01-25 12:04:46 +0200

ApB gravatar image

updated 2015-08-12 11:42:11 +0200

r0kk3rz gravatar image

While it seems really early for something like this its good to start submitting ideas early so that the designers can think about it.

So what features do you want for the next Jolla Phone? Make sure to look through the previous answers and vote accordingly

The first thing i'd like is to make the bezels all around the screen smaller. As small as possible in fact. This will probably make it a one-hand-device for more people. I have normal hands (i think i am in the 50th percentile) and it feels a bit big in the hand.

No need for a bigger screen. 720p would be good but even at qHD it looks really nice.

If possible move the headphone jack on the bottom of the device.

Also i wouldn't mind if it was a bit lighter.

Possibility of screw attached metallic TOH for a more sturdy feel along with easily replaceable plastic ones for people who like to change them easily would be a great addition.

USB type C (the reversible one) is something jolla must consider.

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even at qHD Much as I like my Jolla, I have to disagree. It is pretty clear that the interface was a higher resolution - for example the skinny font used on the launcher pages is often blurry on qHD.

strongm ( 2014-01-25 12:23:36 +0200 )edit

Also I suspect that the choice of SoC forced on Jolla when ST-Ericsson decided to stop manufacturing or supplying the original choice of SoC is the reason behind the low-end display (the maximum resolution the current SoC supports is qHD). A higher specced SoC should mean we can get a better screen.

strongm ( 2014-01-25 12:24:24 +0200 )edit

A bezel is needed to hold the phone comfortably and safely in one hand without accidentally touching the screen with some flesh of the hand. A thinner bezel wouldn't turn out good, I suppose. The thinner the bezel the more slippery the phone feels, because you have less place to hold it.

pycage ( 2014-01-25 13:11:20 +0200 )edit


They will of course need to prototype and test a lot in order to get the thin bezel right.

ApB ( 2014-01-25 14:18:18 +0200 )edit

i would not mind smaller phone. n9 was nice form factor.

mike7b4 ( 2014-01-25 14:58:48 +0200 )edit

72 Answers

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answered 2014-08-28 12:53:17 +0200

Matl gravatar image
  1. 64 bit
  2. Quadcore or higher
  3. 4Gb RAM
  4. NFC

and of course the same connection pins for the other half than in the first Jolla phone.

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And what is it you would be able to do with those 64 bit octacore, 4GiB device which you can't do now? Merely bragging about it to your Android-wielding friends? 64 bit is fine, as it is does bring benefits. The four cores on my desktop rarely get used all at the same time, let alone on a mobile. The only benefit I see is games. I'd think 4GiB is only required if the phone is capable as acting as desktop, otherwise 2GiB will suffice. As for TOH: I find the current phone too big. I'd gladly give up my "first one" in exchange for a smaller device. Also, there are few if any must-have OH's available, so the need for compatibility is low.

I do agree on NFC.

Fuzzillogic ( 2014-08-28 14:34:29 +0200 )edit

4 Cores are great for games and it would be awesome for using the phone as a small pc connected to an hdmi monitor or something like that. The current phone is great of course, but it is not running smoth most of the time :/

64 bit and 4Gb RAM is not needed for survival, but while planing a new phone they could take a look on many high end phones on the market.

Matl ( 2014-08-28 15:17:56 +0200 )edit

@Fuzzillogic: The Jolla is a Qt5/Wayland/systemd-running computer, why not make it a desktop? But I do agree that OH compatibility isn't a huge deal (if a keyboard OH comes out, that's another story, although I'd gladly buy a 2nd gen Jolla and a keyboard OH for it too).

keithzg ( 2014-09-10 06:31:05 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-09-09 14:56:38 +0200

Marti Masa K gravatar image

I like many of the proposals here but I highly recommend not to go into quad- or octacore-SoCs and the race Samsung and others do! The reason is that this does not benefit the usage of the phone in terms of performance vs. usability. There are a lot of publications on this topic. Simply more cores does not equivalent to more power! Furthermore, the increase of the cores has an negative impact on the battery life. I'm sure a moderate increase of HW-performance would be very welcome also more RAM will help for sure. Another related topic is that many of us would like to have the best possible screen-resolution. Have you also thought about that the higher the screen resolution the worse it that for the battery-life-time as well?! I'm my opinion the current screen-resolution is okay. Surely no one wants to go back to this limitation which Symbian had - the screen-resolution was the big issue there. For the next Jolla an optimum could be found but what that optimum is - I have no answer to that.

My recommendation for second Jolla: 1. An OLED-screen enabling LPM such like the N9 has would be pretty awesome! I hope the're isn't a problem with former Nokia- (now M$FT)-patenting to this??!! 2. PLEASE KEEP THE SAME FORM-FACTOR - I WANT TO USE MY CURRENT THOs ON THE NEXT GEN AS WELL 3. I love the current design - it should be similar! 4. A SoC which allows FM-transmitter'/receiver as the mighty N900 had...I know but even some Lumia's with Quallcom-SoC do have that feature...please add an FM RX/TX!

Cheers, Ma

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What most people do not get is 4. (including you), those chips support the hell but aren't hooked up - close to all 45nm SoCs have the same functionality, including IRDA and FM TX/RX, it is just not wired anymore.

chemist ( 2014-09-09 17:32:53 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-09-29 00:37:02 +0200

bilgy_no1 gravatar image

In terms of specs, I'd like to see a 4.7" screen, at least 1280*720, in the same size body. The current screen is not very pleasant to use with the font sizes in the os. Also, the general quality of the screen (brightness, contrast, colours) are very poor. This should be better in the next model.

The camera also needs an upgrade, maybe something with a bigger sensor. It is also a very slow camera atm, this needs to be much quicker.

I also encounter a fair bit of lag, so please upgrade the processor to something like a Snapdragon 800+. along with at least 2gb ram of course...

This should all be possible for the same price point where the original Jolla was launched. Maybe a bit more.

But I honestly believe that the main issues are still in the software. Sailfish OS still doesn't feel mature and stable enough. Since the last update I have a lot of lag, hot phone syndrome, and freezers. Connections are often lost, and I really tire of seeing the connection error message (and why would I have to manually select between 4g and Wi-Fi?). I'm really hoping for a quick update to fix all this... (a lot of our seems to relate to the connman 'update' of July).

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answered 2014-10-03 20:56:22 +0200

Lipo gravatar image

I rally hope the new one will be bigger as I really prefer larger screens. It doesn't have to be like Galaxy Note (which I love) but a phone smaller than 5“ is not for me. But at the same time I really hope my next phone will be a Jolla, I still miss my N900 as this way of thinking os is the right thing for me. Currently I have a Galaxy 5s, love the size, quite like Android, but I think I will LOVE sailfish, so I hope the next Jolla will be a phone for me. A keyboard like on N900 is a wet dream of mine, but I'm afraid those times are over. Or are they?

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bigger screen only makes sense if a solid pen input is given imho

michel ( 2014-10-04 22:13:14 +0200 )edit

please keep the current form factor, maybe make a second jolla 2 plus, but no bigger phone :)

till ( 2014-10-06 10:28:11 +0200 )edit

I also like big screens. The bare minimum should be 4.7 inch, anything higher is even better. In Asia, no one use small screens below 4.7 inch, except iphone 5/4 users.

chinauser ( 2014-10-09 10:31:06 +0200 )edit

Please no. It's too large as it is. The larger phones are utterly useless for people who want to use them on the go when you don't have two free hands (I guess mutants with 3 arms could do it but AFAIK they are not that common).

AxMi-24 ( 2015-04-27 08:10:47 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-04-16 11:25:00 +0200

gordon_pcb_designer gravatar image

We absolutely need a much more reliable connector for micro USB. At the moment connector doesn't fit totally in position, and moving the phone often provoke start/stop charging.

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answered 2015-08-12 11:13:32 +0200

jalyst gravatar image

updated 2015-08-12 11:21:47 +0200

Supposedly I'm not allowed to start my own thread about this, how extraordinary. Shame, that means I won't be hanging out much at TJC. I was considering upping my presence much more, & gradually becoming much more of a contributor/helper. Anyway, here's what I had in my original thread...

Originally I had asked 2 Jolla employees this Qn directly in a non-official site:

You guys should srsly consider making your next phone phablet size i.e. approx. 5.7". There's a tonne of Galaxy Note neckbeards who are about to be alienated from Samsung over the next 12mth. Samsung has decided to go the "Apple way" & remove mSD, removable battery, & also go with a more premium but fragile build-quality.

Thanks to your Tablet efforts, you would be much better prepared for a large Phone. In a masterfully crafted crowfunding initiative, you should pitch WQHD/QHD display (leave it for you to decide on LCD or OLED), the fastest possible built-in NAND (UFS 2.x or at least the latest/greatest eMMC), & the latest/greatest mSD standard.

SoC will leave to you guys, x86 or ARM, preferably ARM, but x86 has (slowly but surely) been getting increasingly competitive. And ofc it should be a "world-phone", compatible on as many cellular bands as possible, & uses the latest/greatest cellular standards.

Then you should add just 1 perk: "Active Digitiser" i.e. like the Note's S-pen*. I wouldn't add any other perks, as that's more than enough to focus on & "get right". You would of course keep "TOH" feature, but it may have to remain as neglected as it was with the J1 (i.e rely on the community to step-up if/when it can), but you'd probably upgrade it's interface as I2C's too limiting.

Longer term you'd also try to implement a "Continuum" feature, like we're seeing coming to Win10Mobile & a similar implementation coming to UbuntuTouch (i.e bridge the divide between Mobile & Desktop), but that may be beyond your meagre resources.

Reading between the lines there's very little money left for your device making business, so you'd probably have to rely almost entirely on a well crafted crowd-funding initiative, one which avoids promises/user_expectations jumping too far ahead of what you can deliver. The core specs I've suggested aren't "pie in the sky", especially if we're talking about a phone that's not shipping till this time next year -or later. Whaddya think?

*MS is also expected to release a Phablet device in Nov/Dec this year, it supposedly uses a digitiser very similar to the Surface Pro 3 i.e. "excellent"

So now that it's been posted in "official" channels, lets see if we get some professional feedback. To be clear, there's no expectation of a detailed response about your plans for a J2. Just a brief: "Yeah maybe that'd work -it's noted" or, "We don't think that'd work -here's why" etc.

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answered 2015-08-12 19:03:47 +0200

uhima gravatar image

My suggestion is a hifi system. Xiaomi e.g. offer a smartphone with a hifi-system. I am a music enthusiast and I wish for the next phone such an equipment. And DLNA and aptX would also be great.

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Always, but do you know about the Marshall phone? Hardware is what makes the difference in this rare case! http://www.engadget.com/2015/07/16/marshall-london-music-phone/

chemist ( 2015-08-13 01:45:22 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-08-13 02:27:45 +0200

Tobbe gravatar image

I really like the current Jolla, but I got some concerns which can improve the next one:

  • It needs some more power. Sometimes it takes ages to open an app on the current phone and it runs out of memory quite fast. The multitasking experience would be much better with faster hardware. Still, this needs to be balanced against:

  • Better batterylife. I hardly manage day of moderate use on my Jolla. Maybe part of this could be solved with:

  • A better screen. As some has pointed out, you need to turn the brightness up to max if you want to have the slightest chances of using your phone outside. Better resolution wouldn't hurt either, and the size of the screen itself could be bigger (without expanding the body of the unit, which is spot on).

  • Better speakers. I got quite a few missed calls just because I couldn't hear the phone.

  • Better (more clear) privacy settings for apps, like a way to toggle of the ability to find my location.

These are my main concerns. Get those right and I'm sure to stay onboard! :)

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answered 2014-02-13 11:29:42 +0200

Boduosuoyao gravatar image

I have some suggestions adout the sides. When we week up the screen,we can changge subjects. And we also can change the subjects through cards of tasks of signs. I think it wastes too much. One of them can doing it will be better.

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answered 2014-06-29 22:39:46 +0200

Macilaci457 gravatar image

I think the next Jolla should be very similar. It doesn´t need high-tech but better-tech. Should keep the TOH and thus the sorm factor: no smaller Jolla

Some asked for a solar charger TOH, here is my critic on those: Putting down Your phone with display down in the sun with a black solar cell that gets hot, and the charging battery is behind that. Its a bad idea. What phones could use solar tech is longening batery life, not replacing the charger. Like solar watches, should do that in the front, which actually the bezels. So no smaller bezels either. I havent seen this tech yet but think about it Jolla.

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Nice proposal with the transparent in-screen embedded front-solar idea! I like that and would also think its the better implementation. But - here is the "but" - keep in mind that those transparent solar-cells exist but they might show an "ugly" grid on the screen, especially if there is a white background.

Marti Masa K ( 2014-09-08 15:06:00 +0200 )edit

To use more space for the solar cell a flexible one as TOH which goes around from the Other Half side and protects the screen could be used to harvest more light. Btw, the Jolla might even sustain it's battery in same level just with room-light. Outdoors you can really charge depending on the kind of flex-solar-cell!

Marti Masa K ( 2014-09-08 15:10:20 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2014-01-25 12:04:46 +0200

Seen: 17,103 times

Last updated: Aug 18 '15