How to revert original packages? - installing QTWebit 5.212 [answered]
I want to install experimental QTWebkit 5.212, but this repalces the system components and you need to revert back e.g. before system update. When I did that a year ago I had problems going to original ones.
I want to know the best way to revert to Jolla packages. What is the best way? Is this the correct way? Any way to use pkcon? Should I back up original RPMs?
rpm -U --oldpackage --replacepkgs --replacefiles <package> # reinstall rpm package
My Xperia 10 is on the way, which will replace my Jolla 1 and XZ1 Compact (Android). For that I want a capable web browser. I will use my poor Jolla 1 as a guinea pig.