Google calendar synchronization [released]
I encounter a problem synchronizing Google calendar. It looks similar to some other questions on the forum like: This one. But it's not a duplicate, because deals with incomplete synchronization.
I had some synchronization errors which resulted in my calendar got cleared on my Jolla. After this I forced a sync by disabling and then enabling the synchronization option in the account settings. But this did not synchronize the existing appointments. Only when I create a new appointment it is synchronized.
When I create a new appointment (in Google) it is synchronized to my Jolla. When I update an appointment (in Google) it is not synchronized. Existing appointments are not synchronized again. I guess Jolla does not look at the last modified timestamp of an appointment but only to the creation timestamp.
I tried to delete my account and recreate it to force a full synchronization, but that had no effect.
- Is there a way to force a full synchronization, so regardless if there was a previous synchronization?
- Do I have to delete some configuration file for this?
- How does Jolla keep track of already synchronized appointments?
PS: I can't wait for full CalDav support. PPS: Added the tag "Bug"
In which update was this fixed? I'm still facing this on
AnaT ( 2014-07-13 21:21:30 +0200 )editPlease, please, be explicit. Sailfish calendar? Google calendar on Android on Salifish device? Google calendar on Android device? Google calendar via Web interface? Synchronizing what to what? Same for contacts. Don't let the readers guess what you are talking about. Thanks.
wim de vries ( 2014-09-19 14:02:40 +0200 )edit