[Fixed in] How to Disable Calendar/Contacts Sync? [released]
I have noticed there is a Google calendar sync entry appearing in sync history and I have read in other questions/comments that there is a one way sync going on. Does this "one way sync" mean that data is only retrieved from added Google accounts and never sent back? Does this one way sync include contacts?
Either way, I am not a fan of syncing contacts, nor calendar entries. Is there any way I can disable any kind of syncing for my simple (NOT Google) email accounts except for mail or tweets? I DO NOT have a Google account added, they are added as simple Email accounts.
EDIT: The attached screenshot shows the sync I am referring to and which I would like to disable. Long-tapping the sync entry shows a Remove option.
Tapping on Remove shows the remorse timer for removing the "sync endpoint". After being removed, the entry reappears in approximately 24 hours.
LEDIT: The second screenshot shows one of my Email (NOT Google) accounts added for a GMail address. This is possible and should be possible if I do not want any of the other Google "services" or integration functional on my phone.
FINAL EDIT: I can confirm that the described issue has been fixed after the update to Before the update, in multiple tests, I could not make the calendar sync entry disappear from Transfers while a generic e-mail account (with Google) was used. I am happy to see more and more improvements in each update and looking forward for the next ones. Thank you to all who helped on this issue.
I would really like to know which kind of accounts setup you have to enable that sync notification. How is it possible for gmail setup as external email to also sync calendars!?.
foss4ever ( 2014-02-10 17:02:30 +0200 )editI am basically asking the same thing. Without adding a Google account and having only Email accounts with Gmail credentials, why is there a Google Calendar Sync going on?
Drekkarian ( 2014-02-10 17:49:58 +0200 )editWhy is your question still talking about Contacts sync? You have only shown a screenshot of calendar sync event..
foss4ever ( 2014-02-10 18:39:44 +0200 )editAnd Gmail is just Google mail, and when you define Google acc in Jolla and disable all other services than email you IMO get the exactly same setup as defining external email acc connected to Google email server URLs.
foss4ever ( 2014-02-10 18:43:05 +0200 )editBesisdes, I have tried both setups with Google and Gmail as extetnal acc, and I have never got such a sync notification even if my Calendsars where synced (one-way) from Google to phone (when Google acc setup had sync enabled).
foss4ever ( 2014-02-10 18:46:16 +0200 )edit