Privacy, Security, Usability [subjective]
asked 2014-05-04 22:53:34 +0200
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Dear Jolla team,
- Privacy
- Security
- Usability
these were the reasons when deciding to buy a and support Jolla – at least I hoped, Jolla would aim for these. Unfortunately, so far you failed on all 3 topics.
Edit (2014-05-05): Please note also the Answer below by Aard. It contains details in particular to the Privacy topic but covers the other topics as well.
Just as examples:
- GPS continuously transmits data to HERE severs (
- TOH: It is still not clear, what data is transferred to (and stored by) Jolla servers related to TOH management, when first installing a TOH and when switching between TOHs
Data allocated to (at least) the user account are stored: - It is still not clear, what data is transferred to (and stored by) Jolla servers related to app management (Jolla store).
(I expect that at least some of the data are stored together with the handset or user account in one way or another.) - When enabling developer mode, a corresponding information is transmitted to Jolla servers, and again it is yet undisclosed which data exactly (
- There is no privacy concept for apps (, they may for example collect and call home with whatever data (
I do not want to be tracked/trackable. Do not gather any more data than absolutely necessary for the current task.
There is a known security hole (plain text password accessible by apps that may phone home).
While such basic mistake (plain text password accessible by applications) should not happen in the first place, I had expected a hot fix as soon as possible – no action yet (for almost 3 weeks). Personally, I regard this security hole as important. I limited my use of the Jolly handset to minimize the risk of exposing my passwords to 3rd parties.
There seems to be another password issue, publicized Saturday morning (it is 32 hours later now), I wonder what you will do about this – ignore it again?
- The unlock code cannot be properly entered outdoor in just decent sun light: Simply, the figures (the ones on the keys as well as the ones shown when typed) are too faint. If you know your device sufficiently, you may be able to type blind – hopefully you have not set a retry limit.
(Yet we have spring only, what about summer?)
This general visibility problem has been discussed in many questions, just to mention a few: - The same for dialing numbers: The number keypad as well as the numbers dialed are too faint. Asterisk and plus sign are on the same key: It is impossible to differentiate them when shown in the number to be dialed while there is just a little bit more environmental light than there is typically indoors.
- Occasionally it is impossible to answer a call (e.g., - The handset may suddenly shut down – with or without the user realizing this. (During recent shut-downs, I observed that first the indicated battery charge suddenly dropped down from a couple of ten percent [as much as >70%] to 0% and subsequently the handset shut down. Thereafter I could reboot and battery charge was back to the original amount.)
This problem may be hardware related, but even if so, you should acknowledge the problem and present a solution.
There are a lot of battery related posts, including overheating, inexplicable high drain etc. These may or may not be related to each other. None of them seems to be solved (the user hint to insert a piece of paper between battery and casing may work – but I do not regard it as official, i.e. Jolla solution until you officially declare to do so). Of the many posts on the subject, just a major one for reference:
These are only the main issues rendering the Jolla handset as unusable for deployment as the only/main mobile phone in private as well as in business environments.
What does Jolla?
Instead of solving the issues above, you provide a hot fix for MMS functionality ( In my eyes: Features are the wrong focus as long as the basics are not solved.
While I used to use the Jolla as the only mobile phone since January, now I am starting to look for another smart-phone that ensures privacy, is secure and can reliably be used as mobile phone.
Yes, maybe subjective, others might not have a problem with the issues listed. But I agree to most points. Jolla tried a establish the image of being the "the good guys", or at least this is how we wanted to see them. At the end they have to have commercial interests to stay alive, plus resource limitations and need to focus on mainstream requirements. Collecting data for HERE? Maybe that's part of the deal. Could be that otherwise licence fees would be higher or it's a general condition to allow usage. TOH is a joke so far. Main purpose is to provide advertising space instead of additional functionality. I hoped that app permission would be user controllable and transparent and still hope that this will change. At least there should be logs to allow users to see what apps are doing ("flash light: phone book read, flash light: Internet used"). Teeth grinding I accept sometimes strange permissions of some vital apps on my Lumia 920. Please, Jolla, be UNLIKE here!
Stefanix ( 2014-05-05 04:31:18 +0200 )editAdding to usability:
Stefanix ( 2014-05-05 04:52:14 +0200 )edit
I also generally agree with most of the points above. We do understand that Jolla resources are limited and not everything is that easily resolved, but at least there should be a clear position stated officially, especially on privacy and security issues.
zlatko ( 2014-05-05 08:14:33 +0200 )editthe browser is not usable too
domnk ( 2014-05-05 08:30:59 +0200 )editI agree that especially security and privacy needs to be worked on and it is good to see this discussed. OTOH @jgr, other smartphone manufacturers don't even offer a platform as open as this one for users to openly discuss issues and features. There's a good chance you don't even get to know security issues as they come and (eventually) go on other smartphones. But yes, I agree that it would be nice to see these issues addressed.
tokaru ( 2014-05-05 10:40:54 +0200 )edit