[bug] Recurrence UNTIL rule part not interpreted correctly in calendar
The until part of recurrence rules seems to be interpreted exclusively, while it should be inclusive according to the specifications.
Example: - Use Evolution to create an appointment that starts on Monday July 16, let it recur daily until Thursday July 19. The appointment will show up for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. - Then, start a sync on the Jolla phone and check the calendar. The appointment only shows up for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
If you inspect the UNTIL part of the RRULE of the VEVENT on the server, it is set to UNTIL=20140619. RFC 5545 specifies for the recurrence rules that it should be interpreted inclusively, see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section-3.3.10.
I suppose this would be with caldav sync?
Pekka Vuorela ( 2014-07-04 14:07:31 +0200 )editYes, this was kind of implicit as there is no other way to have another client create an appointment and then Jolla Calendar incorrectly interpreting it. I will add the caldav & sync tags, thanks.
paulvt ( 2014-07-04 15:25:58 +0200 )edit