Any questions directly to sailors during MWC15 event? [answered]
asked 2015-02-23 19:43:04 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
I'll be interviewing some sailors at MWC event (March 2-5, 2015), and love to DoItTogether - So if you have any questions in mind you'd like me to ask directly from them, add those below, or use this anonymous form (add "TJC" to get answered here)
I hope you post nice and relevant q's, and I hope to meet the best sailor to answer those :) Please try to avoid any questions already asked on TJC
Good and relevant questions might not get answered, bad and irrelevant might not get asked at all
ps. if there are other TJC members interviewing at MWC, please check in, let's DIT to share the effort
Hi simo, thanks for keeping us up to date. Are you planning on publishing the complete interview somewhere?
shfit ( 2015-03-13 17:42:10 +0200 )editThere's all together 7-8 video interviews and 3-5 video reviews coming up, so far only 2 of these are published at Review Jolla (blog / YouTube). I'm having some busy times, but I hope to get these all edited in some reasonable schedule. Thanks for asking ;)
simo ( 2015-03-13 18:07:43 +0200 )editawesome, thanks for your effort!
shfit ( 2015-03-13 19:38:59 +0200 )edit