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Why does my phone keep signing out my account?

asked 2015-10-01 21:51:09 +0300

sfinnie gravatar image

updated 2016-10-28 17:45:14 +0300

DarkTuring gravatar image

I use fruux for a shared calendar. I can connect OK and see calendar fine. However, the phone keeps signing out of the account. I haven't changed the credentials and can sign back in again fine. It so sends a notification stating that fruux account needs to be updated. It happens to a lesser degree with Google accounts.

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in my case, this happens with Gmail and Facebook, although a bit irregularly. It also happens sometimes with my Exchange account.

bilgy_no1 ( 2015-10-29 08:00:50 +0300 )edit

If this happens to you, please do the following: devel-su -p journalctl -b | grep CredentialsNeedUpdate and send the output to me (after redacting any personal / sensitive information) at: chris dot adams at jolla dot com so that I can investigate the root cause.

From the other comments in this thread, it sounds like a captive portal redirect is being wrongly reported to the sync plugin as an authentication failure... I'd love to get complete logs of that case, so if you can reliably reproduce can you please do the following:

1) edit /etc/systemd/journald.conf and set RateLimitBurst=5000 and RateLimitInterval=10s, then reboot your device if you had to change those

2) restart the sync daemon with extra debugging logs enabled:

 systemctl --user stop msyncd
 MSYNCD_LOGGING_LEVEL=8 devel-su -p msyncd

3) leave that one running in a terminal, and open up a new terminal to collect logs from CardDAV plugin:

 devel-su journalctl -af | grep carddav

4) leave that one running also, and open up yet another terminal to collect logs from CalDAV plugin:

 devel-su journalctl -af | grep caldav

5) trigger the condition which causes the "account signed out" notification to occur (presumably moving into wifi range and then triggering a sync via Settings|Accounts->Longpress->Sync, but that's a guess?)

Send the logs of the two journalctl terminals to chris dot adams at jolla dot com after redacting personal information (usernames/passwords, vCard / iCal details etc) and I will investigate.


chris.adams ( 2015-11-03 05:15:58 +0300 )edit

@chris.adams tried step 2. issue: complains that unit MSYNCD......service not loaded.

DarkTuring ( 2016-10-31 06:20:25 +0300 )edit

i figured it out:

reboot phone, activate dev mode

Perform action to login and logout of Fruux, wifi on off synch etc, to replicate error with Fruux or account logins, then in terminal enter

journalctl -b | grep CredentialsNeedUpdate > CredentialsNeedUpdate.txt

should export it.

DarkTuring ( 2016-11-03 06:55:27 +0300 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2015-10-01 22:04:03 +0300

argonius gravatar image

updated 2015-10-02 13:59:18 +0300

I can observe the same behaviour with my owncloud account. In my case it happens if Jolla connect to a Wifi network that needs additional credentials to be entered through a web page. If Jolla synchs before the credentials for the WiFi network have been entered, the synch fails and the account gets deactivated.

Proven Workaround is enabling "Ignore SSL failures" (as suggested by @elex). However this is still a bug since it does not happen with other accounts (e.g. IMAP) even if "Ignore SSL failures" is disabled.

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Thanks- I hadn't spotted that correlation.

sfinnie ( 2015-10-02 12:48:20 +0300 )edit

Where do I find "Ignore SSL failures" (

Rolfa ( 2015-10-29 09:12:33 +0300 )edit

@Rolfa: Settings->Accounts->Pick account. 1st option on the account page.

sfinnie ( 2015-10-29 23:12:55 +0300 )edit

I believe I've also seen this happen (perhaps with a delay) when walking in and out of wifi's which have an intro screen requiring you to click "accept" to some inane we're-not-liable-for-anything disclaimer before you get a connection. I'll try the "ignore ssl failures" bit. This problem is kinda related to my earlier message about lacking error messaging in general: https://together.jolla.com/question/102762/more-reasonable-error-messages-for-account-errors/

ExTechOp ( 2015-11-01 21:54:29 +0300 )edit

Argonius it happens for me with fruux a lot regardless of whether i am on wifi or mobile data, ignore SSL errors does not help for me, Google account does it too sometimes and doesn't have the option to ignore SSL error.

DarkTuring ( 2016-10-28 17:42:10 +0300 )edit

answered 2015-10-01 22:22:59 +0300

elex gravatar image

updated 2015-10-01 22:28:17 +0300

did you try by selecting the function 'ignore SSL failures'? my owncloud connections run fine since i added this.

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If a failed socket is considered an SSL failure I'd consider that a bug.

Mohjive ( 2015-10-02 07:52:08 +0300 )edit

Thanks, have tried this. Will see if it works. Though - as @Mohjive says - a failed socket connection isn't (or shouldn't be) as SSL failure. Two very (and importantly) different things.

sfinnie ( 2015-10-02 12:49:38 +0300 )edit

Almost a month now since I enabled "ignore SSL failures". No logouts so looks like a solution - thanks. Though still a bug...

sfinnie ( 2015-10-29 23:11:03 +0300 )edit

The "Ignore SSL Failures" option makes the plugin call QNetworkReply::ignoreSslErrors(const QList<qsslerror> &errors) when performing a network request. Perhaps the error is being reported as an SSL error because the capture gateway is returning a response which does not come from the intended host, since, well, it's not the intended host. To fix this issue, would have to determine precisely what the error code being returned in this case is, and add special handling for that one in the plugin.</qsslerror>

I've created https://bugs.merproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1689 to track this issue.

chris.adams ( 2016-10-31 04:16:41 +0300 )edit
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Asked: 2015-10-01 21:51:09 +0300

Seen: 635 times

Last updated: Oct 28 '16