[Official announcement] Sailfish OS translation service is up and running [not a question]
asked 2016-05-12 20:33:35 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
We're happy to empower our community to start localising Sailfish OS!
At the beginning you'll be able to translate new strings into core languages, but later on we'll be adding support for community languages, that you can already request through this poll.
Please get acquainted with how we'll do it together by reading this article thoroughly: https://sailfishos.org/wiki/Translate_the_OS
At this point between releases it's a quiet time for translators, so feel free to make yourself at home, fix existing translations from past updates, fire up some discussions (as shown here), and let's get the ball rolling!
If you plan any mass-renaming of certain terms (e.g. renaming for "device" in French "Périphériques" to "Appareil"), don't just suggest translations to all of their occurrences and run away, but first create a TJC post to discuss such change. It would firstly enter the "Terminology" project, and then a mass-rename would be performed/accepted.
Subscribe to the three tags of this post to get informed when any new strings become available for you to translate (it will be way before an Early Access release, so think of it as being our short-term mostly-implemented roadmap bounty :) )
Jarkko, Pami, & Sim
Your Jolla L10n Team
I was expecting the community contribution to be enabled for the open parts of Sailfish OS, but the package list seems to include mostly proprietary parts. Is there a mistake or did I just get this wrong?
reviewjolla ( 2016-05-12 20:43:08 +0200 )editAll UI strings of the OS are made available to be localised
sledges ( 2016-05-12 20:49:07 +0200 )editThanks for clearance, my misunderstanding then. But in this case, could the open parts be somehow marked/listed separately in the translation tool? I'd be happy to join translating those parts.
reviewjolla ( 2016-05-12 21:04:56 +0200 )editHere you are: https://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/SailfishOSS
sledges ( 2016-05-12 21:07:15 +0200 )editThanks, it was only minor manual work to figure those out but the wikilist you posted seems pretty old. Please correct me if my list misses any open parts, I found these 8 to work with (license in brackets):
- apkd (GPL)
- contactsd (LGPLv2)
- jolla-signon-ui (BSD)
- libcontacts-qt5 (BSD)
- libjollasignonuiservice-qt5 (BSD)
- lipstick-qt5 (LGPLv2.1)
- sailfish-browser (MPLv2)
- simkit (Apache)
reviewjolla ( 2016-05-12 21:43:41 +0200 )edit