Exchange account: when pull up action doesn't load more emails [answered]
Hi, i have a work exchange account configured as exchange on jolla (no imap), in inbox I see few emails (I guess the emails of the last 4-5 days). There is a pull-up action that I should translate as "other e-mails", when I use it theupper an lower areas of the screen blink and there is the writing "updating..." but nothing is updated.
Loggin in with the OWA webmail I instead see all the emails.
I have jolla updated to the latest version (OS + apps)
thank you
same for me.. but I have Hotmail acount configured as exchange. But then I think it is supposed to work like that, you could extend the syncing by editing your acount sync details true the settings menu
teun ( 2014-01-17 15:33:30 +0200 )edithi, I changed the syncing option to one month bit still I see the emails of the last 4-5 days for all folders, and the pull up action doesn't show more emails.
Any comment on this matter from Jolla is appreciated ( 2014-01-20 13:47:39 +0200 )editno I don't. I see the emails of the last 5 days (today I see the emails from Friday included, to today).
I understand the optimization in displaying the latest emails (less data transfer, less storage on phone required), but if I need to access a 6 months old email I can't? I believe I could do it ( 2014-01-21 10:14:42 +0200 )editJust tried here and worked fine, changed from "3 days" to "1 week" and then updated in email app, you did the same ?
Support for searching will be added, if you think current values are not enough please open a feature request, but if you sync your entire mailbox or even just 6 month syncs will become much slower, unless you don't receive much emails :)
VDVsx ( 2014-01-21 10:37:08 +0200 )editI changed the settings on Jan 17 to one month, probably it didn't get saved. Now I set again it to one month and I see older emails. In general I should be able to load (and/or search) older emails if needed.
thank you :) ( 2014-01-21 10:47:48 +0200 )edit