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Open source roadmap, from the community point of view

asked 2017-09-20 14:36:35 +0300

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updated 2018-02-28 00:37:15 +0300

rozgwi gravatar image

This post originates from the discussion during the Sept. 20th 2017 community meeting where it was suggested to provide to Jolla insights of what can be achieved from open sourcing or what is currently blocked by closed source parts in SailfishOS. As depicted in the Sailfish wiki, a lot of OS parts are already open source software, almost all backend services, most QML plugins allowing to directly deal from QML with email, calendars, notifications…, and two system applications. For those interested, most of the sources are openly available at the MER Gitlab repository and the various SailfishOS components are well described in the wiki. Most UI related parts are still closed source though (see this wiki entry - feel free to update this list by the way).

The objective of this wiki is to list and sort out by preference which parts the community would like be open so contributions may come. To be a bit more incentive, this wiki should list also current contributions and how they are blocked by closed source software.

The list of closed source parts is presented as answers to this post so one can vote. Please feel free to amend this post or the list. Create new answers as wiki as well so one can modify or add contributions.

To be also constructive, here is a list of open source contributions from community thanks to OSS parts:

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This is a great topic. Both sides of it, actually: Of course which closed parts block improvements from the community... but even more the examples of how community input for open parts improved the system in the past. The latter is really essential: Those who are not convinced that opening certain parts is worth the effort might argue that even though there is activity in the community, it might not be reliable, the quality might not be good enough, it might introduce more bugs than new features etc. etc.

Example of how it can work if all conditions are met is very important IMHO.

ossi1967 ( 2017-09-20 16:05:25 +0300 )edit

I would also mention the tons of the patches on openrepos which are great examples that the community would like to contribute for the closed parts, but there is no official way to properly contribute them back. For e.g.: https://openrepos.net/content/rikudousennin/go-specific-date-calendar (Adding a go to date option to the calendar.)

martonmiklos ( 2017-09-21 11:57:08 +0300 )edit

@martonmiklos you're absolutely right! Please feel free to edit the corresponding answers with what contributions it is blocking.

Damien Caliste ( 2017-09-21 13:08:55 +0300 )edit

How about the contacs app? I can't see it in the list, but it would certainly benefit from open source work!

00prometheus ( 2017-09-21 16:34:25 +0300 )edit

@00prometheus, please add it, this is a wiki everybody is welcome to contribute. I forgot it indeed.

Damien Caliste ( 2017-09-21 19:07:32 +0300 )edit

14 Answers

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answered 2017-09-20 15:14:54 +0300

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updated 2017-09-22 15:21:58 +0300

jolla-email and sailfish-components-email

  • the default email application.
  • OSS QML plugin
  • OSS backend
  • blocking implementation of a thread view in email list.
  • blocking the UI part of OSS GPG contribution
  • blocking the UI part of a possible backend implementation of S/MIME.
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The design of the app needs work. Ie going to the inbox (or other folders) is a RtoL swipe which is the opposite of what should be. This is a major flaw.

ApB ( 2017-09-20 17:14:02 +0300 )edit

The design part is "open" in the sense that you can see the QML code and edit it. I am experimenting with UI improvements (moved inbox chooser to its own page having a unified inbox without inbox choosing at top giving more space for mails; Redesigned inbox chooser to not waste soo much space on the left). I plan to do some more to finally present a working proposel on how I would improve the e-mail app.

Would be nice if this code parts would be placed under a free software license so my work on improving would not be wasted.

leszek ( 2017-09-21 12:53:09 +0300 )edit

... and blocking S/Mime...

cy8aer ( 2017-09-22 15:17:50 +0300 )edit

@cy8aer, S/MIME can be implemented in the OSS backend, based on the contribution done for PGP. But the closed application will block its UI integration, indeed. Answer updated.

Damien Caliste ( 2017-09-22 15:23:26 +0300 )edit

answered 2017-09-20 14:58:43 +0300

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updated 2017-10-09 10:41:44 +0300

jolla-calendar and sailfish-components-calendar

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answered 2017-09-20 14:42:54 +0300

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updated 2017-09-20 15:29:55 +0300

lipstick-jolla-home and lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-components

  • Display the home screen, handle the windows (display covers, make an application fullscreen, show the event screen…) and display the notifications and system dialogs (like wiki connections).
  • OSS backend
  • blocking community propositions to implement multi-windowing
  • existing patches…
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This is an important part which would benefit Jolla and SailfishOS reputation if open sourced as it would make it possible for marketing SailfishOS as open source / free software alternative to Android. Which until today is not possible of this closed part.

leszek ( 2017-09-21 12:55:31 +0300 )edit

@leszek +100 It's so frustrating to over and over hear people not finding it interesting enough to make them switch from more or less open Android based systems when they realise that the core parts of Sailfish OS aren't fully open source. Proprietary basic apps like phone and messaging is bad enough, but if at least the core parts would be open source, it would really increase interest from FOSS minded people IMO.

luen ( 2017-09-21 16:22:39 +0300 )edit

answered 2017-09-20 14:45:02 +0300

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updated 2017-09-20 15:30:05 +0300

Sailfish Silica

  • Sailfish Silica Qt Quick UX Components
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blocking new components like a silica styled tab bar. https://together.jolla.com/question/98185/silica-tab-component/

Toxip ( 2017-10-23 11:40:28 +0300 )edit

answered 2017-09-20 15:06:44 +0300

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updated 2017-10-02 13:51:25 +0300

schmittlauch gravatar image


  • the default messaging application.
  • OSS backend
  • OSS history management
  • blocking:
    • UI controls/ display/ implementation of features already possible with current backends
      • contact/ roster management
      • group chat
    • integration of user-facing backend improvements
      • e.g. new protocols with new features
      • E2E encryption + key management
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Blocking end to end crypto, like OTR or (better) OMEMO

cy8aer ( 2017-09-22 15:20:39 +0300 )edit

Blocking implementation of important features in the XMPP part of the messaging. A lot of XEPs could be implemented to really improve the user experience.

BtPht ( 2017-09-23 21:22:11 +0300 )edit

answered 2017-09-20 15:02:33 +0300

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updated 2017-09-21 11:20:28 +0300


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answered 2017-09-20 15:11:27 +0300

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updated 2017-09-20 16:02:43 +0300

voicecall-ui-jolla and sailfish-components-telephony

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I've added also an entry for the setting account for SIP. I'm not sure exactly which part is blocking for SIP integration, account settings or telephony UI.

Damien Caliste ( 2017-09-20 16:10:30 +0300 )edit

more infos about SIP progress and blocking points are to be found here: https://together.jolla.com/question/415/ Looks like account settings as well as phone UI are mostly fine, but backend problems persist (no wake-up on incoming calls etc)

kro ( 2017-10-18 15:52:54 +0300 )edit

There are some work remaining in adapting platform dialer, calling views, contact details and action, etc. to VOIP-specific cases, but also plenty of middleware work as OS audio policies, Bluetooth profiles, mce device policies (blanking, suspend, etc.), etc. don't really support VOIP calls yet.

Joona Petrell ( 2017-10-24 14:21:49 +0300 )edit

answered 2017-09-20 15:03:35 +0300

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updated 2017-09-20 15:31:12 +0300

jolla-mediaplayer, libjollamediaplayer and sailfish-components-media

  • the default media player.
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answered 2017-09-20 16:07:33 +0300

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updated 2017-09-20 16:07:33 +0300


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So if Jolla would add the UI part this long asked feature would simply work?

It's been on the official roadmap somewehere in 2015....

BonoNL ( 2017-09-23 22:04:07 +0300 )edit

answered 2017-09-20 15:01:03 +0300

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updated 2017-09-20 15:30:47 +0300

jolla-gallery and sailfish-components-gallery

  • The image viewing application.
  • blocking image / video modification UI improvements
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would this also involve adding/ improving image editing tools or are these already open in backends/ qml-plugins? E.g. cutting an image with a free-chosen aspect ratio is a very basic feature missing.

schmittlauch ( 2017-10-02 13:55:37 +0300 )edit

Something that probably would be super easy to implement but not possible due to the closed-source gallery app: Show path in details

Edit: It was actually possible to fix with a patch, so it's not blocked in that sense, but nonetheless it would of course be good if the gallery was open-sourced.

luen ( 2018-10-07 22:37:54 +0300 )edit
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Asked: 2017-09-20 14:36:35 +0300

Seen: 4,045 times

Last updated: Feb 28 '18