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SailfishOS, open source, collaboration meeting planning

asked 2014-08-21 22:22:21 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2020-08-16 23:56:33 +0200

Sefriol gravatar image

Next meeting on IRC:Thursday6th of Aug 2020 at 08:00 UTC. The meeting will be held on Freenode IRC, #sailifshos-meeting ( https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#sailfishos-meeting )

Check here for your local time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Sailfish+OS+community+collaboration+meeting&iso=20200806T08&p1=1440

Logs of previous meetings: https://irclogs.sailfishos.org/meetings/sailfishos-meeting/2020/

Meeting logs before March of 2020: http://merproject.org/meetings/mer-meeting/

Tasks assigned during the meetings: http://meetingwords.com/sailfishos-community-irc

  • add your name/nick using the template below to suggest a topic.
  • indicate how much time you will need for the topic so we can timebox the meeting accordingly
  • please be as thorough as you can with your question/topic
  • if you can't make the meeting please ask and then name a substitute who can in your place.

It is expected that you show up and present your topic, or name a substitute and make sure they attend in your absence. These IRC meetings are for real time participation and live discussions, otherwise you can post the topic on here on TJC or on the mailing list and get responses that way.

We need you to be present to clarify details in the topic, and to ensure the discussion is leading to the answers you are looking for! If you do not participate or your question/topic isn't clear enough it will be postponed. Also: Always ask for *more time than you anticipate your topics needs!!*

Please try and have your topics ready by at least 3 days before the meeting. This will help us have answers ready beforehand to save time. Topics announced afterwards will be postponed to the next meeting.

Template for topic proposal: (edit this wiki directly to add your topics)

  • Name / IRC nick:
  • topic:
  • some details about the topic:
  • approx time needed:
  • optional: name of substitute if you cannot make it to the upcoming meeting (and inform your substitute!)


  • Name / IRC nick: rinigus
  • topic: AOSP10 based ports
  • some details about the topic: From looking at https://github.com/libhybris/libhybris and Android Q PR specifically, it seems that there is not much activity on development of Android 10 support. I wonder what is the current status of AOSP10 support (in case if it is not all published). If work has not started on it by Jolla developers, whether it is planned and, if it is, when do you plan to work on it.
  • approx time needed: 20 min
  • optional: I hope to make it; if not, please discuss with others

  • Name / IRC nick: Mister_Magister
  • topic: Multiple 2+ cameras support
  • some details about the topic: Lately i've successfuly created initial support of multi-camera. On some devices auxiliary cameras are provided same way as other 2 but sfos is based around front and back camera while we need to support camera id 2 and higher. My initial changes are nowhere near merging, it needs to be done properly but it's something jolla should start think about regarding jolla-camera ui.
  • approx time needed: 15 min
  • optional: I hope to make it; if not, please discuss with others

  • Name / IRC nick: Sefriol
  • topic: Separating QML components from closed source and publishing them to git
  • some details about the topic: This has come up before. Currently, if community sees a bug or wants to propose a change in core app's UI, the source is only available within the phone / emulator / SDK. Is there a problem with separating these components from the closed source repositories and publishing them in gitso that community could do pull requests on them?
  • approx time needed: 5 min
  • optional: I hope to make it; if not, please discuss with others

For background info and invitation to this series of meetings, please see this post. Past meeting minutes, list of action points and further information are here, more recent minutes are here

Meeting Chair: (volunteers, suggestions,nominations...)

Responsibilities of meeting chair: send invitation/agenda before the meeting, keep time and order during the meeting, send minutes and next meeting planning info after the meeting.

  • James Noori (Jaymzz)
  • Simonas Leleiva (Sledges)
  • Steph Gosling (stephg)
  • Carol Chen (cybette)
  • Andrew Branson (abranson)
  • (your name here)

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Nice that you decided to move this here from the previous pad - I think TJC will serve well in this purpose also, also good to have many different topics under the same roof. Meetings might get new people too?

simo ( 2014-08-21 23:19:11 +0200 )edit

@cybette I wonder about the outcome of the action items 2 and 3 from the September 23th meeting:
> 2. Jolla to possibly spare some engineering time and fix up the proprietary bits to at least not crash and burn on SIP
> 3. cybette to poke SIP/dialer guys in Jolla
Unfortunately SIP is still not usable using the latest Jolla update.

alex25 ( 2014-10-28 08:46:46 +0200 )edit

bump. next meeting 7th Jan ?

kimmoli ( 2015-01-05 23:09:51 +0200 )edit

@kimmoli: yes

sledges ( 2015-01-06 16:49:45 +0200 )edit

@kimmoli@sledges thanks for the reminder. Sending email...

cybette ( 2015-01-06 16:54:55 +0200 )edit

61 Answers

Sort by » oldest newest most voted

answered 2018-11-12 09:59:44 +0200

ixevix gravatar image

updated 2018-12-10 21:09:42 +0200

rozgwi gravatar image

Name / IRC nick: Krister Bäckman / Krikke

Topic: USB Tethering https://together.jolla.com/question/191787/3005-usb-tethering-not-working-anymore/


The documented unofficial method does not work after upgrading to Sailfish 3. Seems like the reason for this is that the rndis0 or usb0 devices are not created anymore

Nov 12 10:56:13 Sailfish usb_moded[674]: Neither configured rndis0 nor fallback usb0 interface exists. Check your config!
Nov 12 10:56:13 Sailfish usb_moded[674]: Neither configured rndis0 nor fallback usb0 interface exists. Check your config!

Actually this is resolved now. Just enable "Developer mode" instead of "Internet sharing" and it works.

update 2
Well the device appears but doesn't work still...

update 3 Posted fix in the other topic.

Time needed: 5 minutes

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@ixevix: I took the liberty to amend your answer in order to help with understanding the history of edits

could you post the final solution here as well or link to the 'other topic' you mention?

thank you!

rozgwi ( 2018-12-10 21:15:34 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-09-19 17:49:43 +0200

tortoisedoc gravatar image

Name / IRC nick : tortoisedoc

topic: upgrading xdg-utils in mer to master

some details about the topic: see here https://together.jolla.com/question/110408/xdg-open-no-longer-working/

approx time needed: 15 mins?

optional: N/A

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thanks @tortoisedoc, added to agenda above. will send email to devel list shortly.

cybette ( 2015-09-30 13:42:57 +0200 )edit

Hey, thanks @cybette for the reply and adding the topic; unfortunately due to higher powers tomorrow i cant attend, so I propose to postpone it to the next meeting.

tortoisedoc ( 2015-10-07 20:49:23 +0200 )edit

ok, we'll move this to next week. thanks!

cybette ( 2015-10-08 16:42:12 +0200 )edit

next meeting is on 22/10, we'll discuss this then!

cybette ( 2015-10-08 19:26:43 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-01-14 11:50:58 +0200

cy8aer gravatar image

updated 2016-01-14 11:52:18 +0200

Could someone check if the log at http://merproject.org/meetings/mer-meeting/2016 will work properly this time please?

I know, this is no answer, but IMHO it is important that the log works.

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answered 2016-03-27 21:58:20 +0200

LibreTrend gravatar image

Name / IRC nick: Luis Da Costa / Aliasbody

topic: Futur of jolla in the professional environment

some details about the topic: I've been promoting Jolla as a platform for my clients and their feedback might be good to be heard. More in details, every time we gain a client/project for a mobile app (mostly Android and iOS) we always propose a version for Jolla or Ubuntu Touch for free (in order to promote those platforms and to help them understand the benefits of a convergent code), but usually everyone chooses Ubuntu. At start I thought that it was because they knew the name (so there were more attracted to it) but after long discussions with our clients we found out that this wasn't the case. If you allow me I would be interested in explaining what are their concernes (and why, if this doesn't change, we might at libretrend change also everything to Ubuntu Touch).

approx time needed: 30 minutes (maybe even less, I think that anyone interested may need more time for the questions than for me to explain).

optional: None (I'll be the one to be there because I am the only one who has all the direct contact with our clients).

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@LibreTrend: if your development capabilities match your reading and understanding skills, I get why your clients do not want your Jolla apps, even for free. And that didn't take 30 minutes.

mkld ( 2016-03-27 23:52:34 +0200 )edit

@mkld Thank you for your kind message.... English is not my first language but in fact I missed the part saying "Template for topic proposal: (you can edit this wiki directly to add your topics)". I'll change the original post and add it there.

LibreTrend ( 2016-03-28 11:44:47 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-06-23 10:09:21 +0200

nadir gravatar image
  • Name / IRC nick: nh1402
  • topic: QT future
  • some details about the topic: from QT 5.7 onwards it is no longer licensed under LGPL 2.1 does that affect us?
  • approx time needed: 5-10 mins
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answered 2017-01-13 10:38:54 +0200

coderus gravatar image
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answered 2017-06-12 22:09:55 +0200

remote gravatar image
  • Name / IRC nick: remote
  • topic: How soon 2sim version of Xperia X (F5122) will be supported after F5121 fw release?
  • approx time needed: 3 min
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answered 2017-07-16 14:17:03 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2017-07-16 14:17:03 +0200

I would propose to add an old question from 2015:

Inclusion of Bluetooth LE SDK libraries

Bluez5 already included for some devices as tech preview, so it would be good to know when can we expect least tech preview SDK support. What blockers does it have, what kind of help could be done by the community in this matter.

With high possibility I will not be able to attend on the meeting, but if someone could represent this question that would be great. Please let me know in a comment if you could present it on the meeting, and I will add to the proposals.

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answered 2017-09-04 08:02:54 +0200

sugashrajavelu gravatar image

Name : Sugash

Topic : Custom Gestures & Fastening UI.

Details of the topic :

Custom Guestures :

Currently we have limited user customizable guestures.which causes a problem either between left and right hand users . User definable guestures can add more customizability and it can showcase Sailfish Os as the best Customizable Os.

Fastening UI :

1.The animation speed is slow and it's seem to appeal as a Slow Ui or OS . ( The Warehouse patch is liitle laggy and it doesn't appear to be native ) . Speed can also be made User Customizable ! which adds more UI customizability !

2.Remorse timer is the best of Sailfish . Few think why to wait for 5 sec for a single action ( probably Not true as we can continue with other activities ) . Many tend to wait for the completion if they work on the same page . So adding an immediate action button on the remorse action bar will make it easy & faster appealing .

approx time needed: 10min

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As for point #2, I absolutely agree that the remorse timer needs a re-work, not from a technical view, but from a UI perspective. By means of design, the remorse timer can be changed to be clear on what it shows and what the user can do, and the immediate button is a brilliant idea to improve it.

I've been using many (mobile) UIs so far, and I must admit that the SFOS remorse timer always puzzles me still after all those years, and this even annoys me almost daily.

Another improvement would be to make the remorse timer's timeout configurable. (I know this can be done by patching.)

Maus ( 2017-09-07 09:35:47 +0200 )edit

What do you think about user customizable guestures ? Any reasons you have for other listed ideas ? pls mention it , so that i can get some info .

sugashrajavelu ( 2017-09-07 12:21:33 +0200 )edit

answered 2018-03-27 15:15:04 +0200

au7ogeek gravatar image

updated 2018-03-27 15:17:32 +0200

Name / IRC nick: au7ogeek

topic: Xperia XA2 support details

some details about the topic: Which version of the Xperia XA2 will be supported exactly (model number)? There are many different variations across markets and single/dual-sim types, etc. Will the dual-sim version be supported (initially or maybe eventually)? Single sim versions are already difficult to find (in Sweden) while dual-sim versions are readily available. How about the Xperia XA2 Ultra? This is even more popular and readily available. It has the same chipset as the XA2 but a different screen size.

I feel it is important to clarify such questions now as the devices being supported may be hard to find later on when Sailfish XA2 goes on sale.

approx time needed: 5 mins

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Will it support Sony Xperia XA2 Single-Sim H3123?!

Schumi ( 2018-06-14 22:09:18 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-08-21 22:22:21 +0200

Seen: 109,209 times

Last updated: Aug 28 '20