Jolla randomly shuts down
asked 2013-12-30 22:04:14 +0200

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Numerous users have an issue with the phone rebooting by itself. User testing has revealed that it most likely has something to do with the battery. If this is happening to you, there are two ways you can probably solve the problem. You can either:
- take out the phone battery, and rub all contact areas on the battery and the phone with a regular eraser, then just put the battery back in.
- take a small piece of paper and put it between the bottom of the battery and the phone, so it makes better contact.
- put a bit of paper between the battery and the phone body (as seen here)
If neither of these solutions helps at all, please mention this and edit this post to include that information.
It would be nice to read an official statement on the issue, if this is something related to the manufacturing process or something else.
edit 06.04.2015 (MacManus): i noticed that my jolla reboots on weak network connections (can't reproduce in wlan). If i'm in an area with weak network, my jolla constantly reboots. If i didn't activate my sim, the phone didn't reboot. As soon as i activate sim and get mobile network connection, the jolla reboots.
Edit 20.05.2015: Anyone with this problem please see this answer, it seems that they finally have a clue about how to fix this issue.
I'm experiencing this same problem starting today. I haven't installed any new updates / apps since the last SW update 2 days ago. Sometimes after the shut down the phone refuses to turn back on. Trying different things with the phone now to track the problem down.
EDIT: After the shut down happens, the phone turns back on on first try if I plug in the charger.
fAzu ( 2013-12-30 22:13:32 +0200 )editI have my Jolla phone turned on for 24/7 and it's also updated to this recent firmware and haven't ever seen such unintentional shut downs. None. Nothing even close to that. So definitely can't confirm this. There is a change you may have problems with hardware.
Simakuutio ( 2013-12-30 22:14:29 +0200 )editI've had 2 reboots so far, but both were before update and while I was not actively using the device. I can't really say anything else about the cases, but I think I had nothing special running, just WiFi/3G and Settings or something. What apps and networks are you using when this happens?
Julle ( 2013-12-30 22:16:30 +0200 )edit- Did you try hard reset for solve some issue ?
- if yes, try to run CSD tool on your phone for discover any abnormal hardware malfunctionality before return your product for hardware repair
- pully down, select phone, input code (i can't show the code) and follow instructions and we wait feedback
you can find the code here
redge73 ( 2013-12-30 23:03:06 +0200 )editOk, so after removing my battery for a longer period (roughly 10 minutes) the problem vanished. Seems like a software glitch. I cannot recreate this behavior for now, but I'll monitor my workflow in case the problem reappears.
fAzu ( 2013-12-31 10:18:51 +0200 )edit