[Official announcement] Start of the next L10n round, GO! :)
Want to guess which version the next update will be after 2.0.5? 2.1.0! You're probably curious what we'll bring to your pockets in few months time. Wait, months!? Well, it can happen, if translations are not done :D So be part of our operating system that we like so much, and help bringing the coming updates quicker.
Visit https://translate.sailfishos.org and share your skills for languages you know, the new strings hinting at the new upcoming features are now ready and waiting :)
We added new terminology words as you requested and some more useful ones.
A kind asking from us is to finish translating official (non-community) languages within this week, so grab your laptop during those frosty wintery evenings and the weekend :) After all, this will bring future Sailfish OS updates closer, and you will be the part of that!
We recently shared all Intex Aqua Fish Indian languages to be openly translated, we welcome you to gather communities around because the languages of India is a very proud and important cultural aspect in the continent likewise for the Sailfish OS ecosystem. @kskarthik has already made a great contribution to Telugu, and I am promoting him as coordinator, good job Sai!
Ukranian language has also been added, a long overdue! Greetings to from me to @strixaluco @Lycanthrope, @Roma, and @girsh -- who would like to be the coordinator(s)? :)
I would like to thank you all for helping during each l10n round, most languages have active users, Norwegian reborn again after a long winter sleep all thanks to @emva, Denmark still under the blanket unfortunately, and so are the Simplified Chinese and Hong Kong, I hope you will follow the great example of Scandis!
This time we leaked some strings several weeks ago, thank you for having attentively translated those, they now have become as "Needs work", for you to review that everything is still consistent now that the complete set of strings is ready.
@martonmiklos has been firefighting some niggly issues like Lock screen date format, as well as pushed out the Dutch and Hungarian translation packs to OpenRepos, grab them with your Warehouse app!
- https://openrepos.net/content/martonmiklos/nederlands-community-translation-jolla
- https://openrepos.net/content/martonmiklos/hungarian-community-translation-jolla
He is set to start pushing other community languages in the same spirit so you can finally get your beloved words in your pocket, big thanks to him! \o/
Last but not least, coordinators please ensure terms are suggested and accepted in the "Terminology" project, so they can show up as hints for any other strings and massively improve translation quality and consistency.
You miss letter "t" in word "default" here https://translate.sailfishos.org/pl/jolla-settings-networking/translate/settings-network.ts#unit=299700
atlochowski ( 2016-11-08 23:52:55 +0200 )Fixed! Thanks @atlochowski for comment and @nthn for suggestion ;)
sledges ( 2016-11-08 23:57:17 +0200 )wasnt there a round for the translation of 2.0.5 a few weeks ago? is it now part of 2.1.0 or do they mean, that it's the next after 2.0.5?
mettska ( 2016-11-09 00:20:02 +0200 )The next after. 2.0.5 is already in the oven, baking your l10n strings :D Thanks! Clarified that in the post
sledges ( 2016-11-09 00:26:22 +0200 )@sledges
from Jolla pootle
atlochowski ( 2016-11-09 01:06:36 +0200 )