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No data-connection with Salt [answered]

asked 2017-06-08 16:37:56 +0200

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updated 2017-06-08 16:44:25 +0200

EchoCharlie gravatar image

Hi I have a Jolla phone and a Salt subscription (Switzerland). Unfortunately i can not get a data connection. I have set the APN-Name to "Salt Internet" and the APN-Connection to "internet", as i was told by the costumer support, but anyway i can not activate the data-connection. In the compatibility-list, i saw that it should work (https://together.jolla.com/question/151080/wiki-intex-aquafish-provider-compatibility-list/), but i can't get a connection. Has anyone experience with Jolla and Salt? Tanks a lot!

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The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an answer was accepted" by Nrsisti
close date 2017-06-09 10:45:33.343699



I would suggest you to install ofono-logger app from Jolla Store and send logs via email

Nrsisti ( 2017-06-09 09:51:21 +0200 )edit

YEA! Ofono-logger fixed my problem. Actualy i don't know what ofono-logger does exactly, but there was a option "fix data-connection" (or something similar). Now it works fine :-). Thanks a lot!

EchoCharlie ( 2017-06-09 10:36:52 +0200 )edit

Where can I find this "fix-data-connection" option?

smiddy ( 2017-06-21 17:09:10 +0200 )edit

When you pull down the menu from the Ofono logger, there are two options: "Clear log" and "Pack and send". In my case there was a third Option called "Fix mobile data". For more details: https://openrepos.net/content/slava/ofono-logger (Version 1.0.5)

EchoCharlie ( 2017-06-21 22:29:33 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2017-06-08 17:33:05 +0200

nachootal gravatar image


Same on my side for a long time, actually. I managed to be able to connect back by fixing the settings to 3G instead of 4G. Can't understand why but this is the situation. I'm hoping in the next update it'll work again. Anyone knows why did this happen?.

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Same problem here. 3G works fine, but 4G has problem with connection. Not an issue on the side of the network.

Issue happens with on a OnePlus X and in on a Xperia X. However, the issue does not manifest itself on a Jolla Jolla, where 4G data works well and without any issues.

oenone ( 2017-10-02 23:36:50 +0200 )edit

The problem still exists on my Jolla 1 (Sailfish with a Coop Mobile Prepaid Sim Card (using Salt Network). With 3G an active data connection is shown but no homepages are loaded (I guess I should at least be redirected to a homepage where to choose data options)... with 4G there is no connection at all. I used the ofono logger app to supposedly fix the problem some time ago. The option is not shown anymore on the menu so I cannot try that again. Any hints to solve the issue are appreciated :).

ahti ( 2017-10-14 17:46:04 +0200 )edit

The problem described above by ahti exists still on Jolla 1 ( It seems to be fixed on my Xperia X.

stronger12 ( 2017-12-27 18:03:54 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2017-06-08 16:37:56 +0200

Seen: 868 times

Last updated: Jun 08 '17