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[release notes] 2.1.4 / Lapuanjoki [released]

asked 2018-02-15 13:59:39 +0300

jovirkku gravatar image

updated 2018-06-05 15:50:44 +0300

Update version history

  • 2018-02-20: was released to Early Access subscribers. Japanese and Korean removed from the list of new languages (not yet quite ready).
  • 2018-02-28: was released to Early Access subscribers. BT audio issue on Jolla1 fixed.
  • 2018-03-06: was released to all Jolla users (Jolla1, Jolla Tablet, Xperia X). Aqua Fish and Inoi R7 are pending customer acceptance.
  • 2018-03-13: was released to all Aqua Fish and to all Jolla C users.

Size of update

The download size of the update depends on the device type and on the OS version currently in the device. Some typical values below:
- Jolla C from to 380 MB
- Jolla 1 from to 340 MB
- Xperia X from to 390 MB

Release Highlights

This list contains examples of new features (and some bug fixes) added to SailfishOS since the 2.1.3 release. The release notes of upgrade 2.1.3 can be found here: https://together.jolla.com/question/172002/release-notes-213-kymijoki/

Instructions for installing Sailfish OS to Sony Xperia X devices are here - covering Windows, Linux and Mac computers.


  • CalDav syncing getting stuck fixed
  • CalDav reminders no longer trigger twice after sync
  • Dropbox account creation failure fixed (recent regression)
  • Active Sync settings UI polished
  • Weather service in Events View now tracks network connectivity status, and automatically refreshes when connectivity is regained.


  • Updated Android Support of Xperia X from version 1.0.79-1 to 1.0.85-1 (no update for Jolla devices), fixing:
  • Add support for camera HAL introduced in Android 7.
  • Prepare for notification improvements.
  • Update device configurations.
  • Improve camera startup speed on Android 7 based devices.
  • Solved an issue where certain apps (i.e. Wechat) were unable to record voice messages.


  • SyncML support dropped.


  • Browser cover no longer flickers during device orientation change.


  • Camera app is launched if shutter key is long-pressed (does not work on lock screen yet)
  • Photo details fixed for Camera photos stored in SD card.


  • WLAN: support for IEEE802.11r enabled. This brings the Fast Transition feature. It is meant to allow faster handoffs for a mobile station between two or more Access Points, a sort of handover for WLAN.
  • Homescreen crash fixed that sometimes happened when connecting to WLAN.

Device management (MDM)

  • Activation displays a disclaimer to user
  • Date and time API extended to support all time zones.


  • Fix a crash when an attachment is opened second time
  • Fix search losing focus after backstepping from Email viewer
  • Downloaded attachments can now be picked as attachments for new emails.


HW adaptation

  • Xperia: support of BTRFS filesystem for SD cards added
  • Xperia: low memory killer enabled.


  • Hungarian and Slovenian layouts added.


  • New system languages: Chinese (Taiwan), Czech, Dutch, Estonian, Greek, Hungarian, Portuguese (Brazil), Slovenian, Spanish (Bolivia), Turkish.
    Many thanks to you our valued community people for the translations!


  • Show the correct playback state when the playlist playback stops
  • Order music albums by date released, instead of alphabetically.


  • Send button in Messages app touch area enlarged for easier use.


  • Qt framework updated 5.6.3, including hundreds of bug fixes
  • Tracker updated to the latest V1 version to possibly fix some metadata extraction failures.


  • Search is now supported.


  • Notification banners can now be swiped away with horizontal flick.

OS updates

  • PackageKit framework upgraded to newer version
  • OS updates are now a privileged operation run as proper system-side service
  • OS update process rewritten to reduce dependencies and thus potential causes of failures
  • OS update descriptions now support links.


  • Enable (hint) showing apps in fullscreen on emulator
  • Resize mode set for created views to resize root object conveniently.
  • App icon size variant 172x172px introduced for Full HD displays
  • 3rd party app icons finally scale properly to different display resolutions.


  • kernel: CVE-2014-9785, CVE-2014-9787, CVE-2014-9864, CVE-2014-9865, CVE-2014-9884, CVE-2014-9887, CVE-2014-9894, CVE-2017-9077, CVE-2016-5340, CVE-2017-1000364, CVE-2015-7872, CVE-2013-7446, CVE-2016-6786, CVE-2016-6787, CVE-2017-5970, CVE-2016-8480, CVE-2015-7550, CVE-2017-7618, CVE-2015-8767 (not yet fixed in jolla1 aka sbj)
  • kernel: CVE-2017-8890, CVE-2017-11176. (fixed in all kernels: jolla1 is patched)
  • display driver: CVE-2014-4323 (not yet fixed in jolla1 aka sbj)
  • bluez: CVE-2016-7837
  • libav: CVE-2015-8365, CVE-2017-9992, CVE-2017-7862, CVE-2015-8365.

Startup and shutdown

  • Patch for systemd (provided by our community) integrated to reduce logging.


  • Low memory killer enabled on Xperia. This should help preserving an adequate amount of free RAM.


  • relocated in development repositories to make the app resistant against API changes.


  • Android device hardware keys mapped to Silica actions of Sailfish OS on Jala Accione devices.


  • automatic reconnection to saved hidden WLAN network
  • WLAN hotspot a.k.a. internet sharing fixed (Xperia).

Issues reported by the community at together.jolla.com and fixed in this update


For detailed changelog, see https://together.jolla.com/question/179224/changelog-214-lapuanjoki/ .

Updating your device

Your device must be connected to the Internet and signed into your Jolla account. If your Jolla account is registered for Early Access releases you should receive an OS update notification when an update is available. If you have decided not to take the Early Access registration then you will get the OS update typically one week later.

We warmly recommend making some 3-4 GB of free space to the internal storage of your device before starting the update. Move your pictures and videos to the SD card (or to your PC or cloud service). After the upgrade turn on the option to save pictures and videos directly from the camera to the memory card (Settings > Apps > Camera). This is important particularly in case of "Jolla 1" devices (product name "Jolla" in Settings > About product).

This is the usual drill before attempting to update your devices:

Take a backup of your data before attempting to update your device and save the backup to an SD card or to some other off-device location (PC, your cloud service). Note that videos and images are not included in cloud-based backups. Do not reboot the device while the update is in progress. Do keep the phone connected to a battery charger during the whole process. Device screen may blank out during the update process; you may waken the display by a short press on the power key to monitor the progress.

For detailed instructions on updating software, visit Zendesk: https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201836347


If you installed update manually from command line you need to do the following fix to get the repositories working:

[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ devel-su 
[root@Sailfish nemo]# sed -ie 's/releases-internal.jolla.com/releases.jolla.com/' /usr/share/ssu/repos.ini 
[root@Sailfish nemo]# ssu ur


Installing OS update 2.1.4 automatically removes **Warehouse** (versions <= 0.3) and **Storeman** (versions <= 0.0.15) applications.

This is necessary because 2.1.4 brings in the new PackageKit that has changed its API. Warehouse and Storeman are locked against the older version of the library. If they are not removed during the update, they block the upgrade of PackageKit-Qt5, which then breaks all further updates (Settings page would get stuck on 'Preparing update' and version --dup would fail with an InvalidArgs error).

Warehouse and Storeman can only be installed again after they switch to the new PackageKit API.

In addition, take the following advice into account:

  • If you use Phonehook or Callrecorder from OpenRepos, uninstall it before upgrading.
  • If you use oFono from OpenRepos, revert to the official oFono before upgrading.
  • If you use Patchmanager, revert all applied patches before upgrading.

About SD cards

Please read our help article on SD cards supported by Sailfish OS: https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201997993

Known issues

  • NEW: Jolla1 cannot route audio signal to Bluetooth accessories. => Fixed in
  • Bluetooth pairing and audio connections may still fail in some circumstances
  • Utility "Clear tracker database" ("Refresh media database") is failing - will be fixed in update 2.2.0 (the next one)
  • VPN is still at beta level.

Known issues specific to Xperia X

  • Screenshots are placed to the end of the thumbnails list if Gallery app is open while taking the screenshot.
  • Issues with mobile data persist on some SIM cards
  • Xperia X does not power up due to an alarm
  • Manual network/carrier search lists all networks by the same name (the name of the SIM provider). Use automatic search. If not possible, you need to try several items in the manual search results, unfortunately. The top most item is not necessarily the one that can serve you. (still valid with most SIM cards)
  • VPN does not work.
  • Bluetooth: still problems with car equipment, some audio devices and computers.
  • Waking up the device by double-tap does not work
  • Loudspeaker volume level cannot be adjusted high enough (but echo cancellation was added to the audio path in 2.1.4)
  • Sensors:
    • not working: fingerprint, barometer, step counter.
    • compass (or gyro?) working in Google Maps, not yet natively.
  • Issues with video playback and video recording (less than before).
  • FM radio missing.
  • Even though all CPU cores get eventually enabled, foreground apps do not always run on the big cores.
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Hmmm... Bluetooth nightmare still not fixed or at least improved for Xperia X? I thought I could read it somewhere that this topic was on the list. Hopefully the X can be used now finally.

Anyway many thanks for this large new update package ;)

vision ( 2018-02-20 11:13:31 +0300 )edit

swap memory not enable?

TMavica ( 2018-02-20 11:40:34 +0300 )edit

For me on Xperia X, great update. Thanks for fixing internet sharing.

lispy ( 2018-02-20 16:09:02 +0300 )edit

Hungarian keyboard! Finally - thank you!

zlutor ( 2018-02-20 17:04:28 +0300 )edit

I have been waiting to see Sailfish in my own language for 4 years and 2 months! Thank you, Jolla! Too bad, my The First One does not live to see it.

Anyways, thank you! Köszönöm, LVPVS

LVPVS ( 2018-02-20 19:08:02 +0300 )edit

30 Answers

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answered 2018-03-14 13:02:53 +0300

liqquid gravatar image

Firs time when I say this, but this is a terrible update. I didn't know it will be released to everyone without fixing serious issues. Jolla Together app crashing, maybe need an app update? I still can't use my 8gb sd card. I could use my old 1gb sd card for a few days, after I secondly rebooted my phone it is not booting with that card as well (I only saved a backup file on the sd card...). Camera still crap, unusable. Email client the same. Battery life terrible after the update, 1 night 8% battery drain without using anything, it was 1% before the update... Touch scree still unresponsive, nothing changed. Phone still heats up with mobile network on... Etc.! All on Xperia X. I regretted many times now I bought the os for this phone. I used all the previous Jolla phones but never had so many problems like with Sailfish X... I hope it will be fixed very soon but I lost most of my hopes already :( .

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- Jolla together app crashing: yes possibly the app needs an update. But after more than four years without any update, that seems very unlikely.

- Camera quality: with the hack described here autofocus works pretty well. Strange why Jolla wasn't able to fix it so far.

- Laggy email client: a hack is available here. Note that I didn't try it myself so far.

So at least for some of your issues there are workarounds available, some others may be related to faulty hardware (touchscreen). Have you already used tools like battery log, sysmon, or systemdatascope to investigate your battery drain issue?

ziellos ( 2018-03-14 14:35:50 +0300 )edit

That camera fix is not a camera fix, only the focus and made the videofocus unusable. The camera software has other serious issues like too much comressing, low light issues, colour issues, etc. Video mode also can not give even similar experience than it was on android, missing features, lags, bad quality, sometimes doesn't save the file properly... The email client fix is also very alpha and not the simplest method, also you need to undoes it before next update... The touch screen is not faulty, other users also reported this slow response issue, similar problem what was on the Aqua Fish (kalman filter problem) but I would say it is even worse on Xperia... I haven't checked the batter issue yet but I haven't installed any new app since the update and it was ok before... I will check it when I won't be too busy, but I think it is update related.

liqquid ( 2018-03-15 00:21:41 +0300 )edit

answered 2018-02-20 19:55:29 +0300

LVPVS gravatar image


Thank you for the Hungarian language and vkb layout!

There is one minor glitch I noticed: after pressing the '?123' key, the first key in the top row should be '0' and not '1'.

Nothing I could not fix but still.


LVPVS over.

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answered 2018-02-21 22:02:38 +0300

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2018-02-21 22:02:38 +0300

schmittlauch gravatar image

Could it be possible that the Qt upgrade (although only being a minor one) breaks some apps?

List of apps having problems after the update:

add more affected apps if there are any.

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answered 2018-02-22 09:36:31 +0300

lispy gravatar image

Did we lose the ability to add attachements from the E-Mail Client? Or is it just me?

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It seems we have lost that ability. not good.

clifford ( 2018-02-22 11:19:04 +0300 )edit

No, still working. You have to click on the three dots when composing an e-mail to show the attachment button.

schmittlauch ( 2018-02-22 11:29:50 +0300 )edit

Ah, very interesting. Maybe we will therefore lose the Pulley soon. When they reorganize the infterface like that. :)

lispy ( 2018-02-22 16:30:41 +0300 )edit

@lispy IIRC that behaviour was the same before 2.1.4.x. I am also wondering why Jolla didn't put this option into the pulley menu, since this was the first place where I looked for it.

Alex ( 2018-02-22 17:12:24 +0300 )edit

Sailfish email app (UI layout) has remained the same over several OS updates. The three-dots button covers adding attachments, importance of message and the selection of sending email account. The reason for having these 3 options under a dedicated button rather than in the pulley menu is to keep the pulley short enough to be conveniently usable. There might be alternative design options here.

jovirkku ( 2018-02-27 13:06:29 +0300 )edit

answered 2018-02-21 05:02:27 +0300

DarkTuring gravatar image

updated 2018-02-24 04:27:40 +0300

Only minimally better mostly still not working:

  1. Xperia still laggy and slow, actually got worse since the update;
  2. Webview in email and other apps still slow and stutters on swipe;
  3. No cashing of email content or preload going on anywhere as far as i can tell;
  4. Connectivity improved for WIFI but for Android apps when switching between mobile to WIFI data reconnection or switch over doesnt occur always, but Mobile data connectivity hasnt improved;
  5. Searching and connecting to WIFI in range takes way too long;
  6. Display brightness auto adjust, is finicky and fluctuates when on medium brightness on auto and when light at <45deg angle hits the display;
  7. So far SFOS Apps and Android apps have crashed more often then before;
  8. Using an Android app and saving a file on the SDCard external, results in a user permission that i cannot even overwrite as nemo unless in the terminal under devel-su, so if i downloaded a virus app or file in Android, it would be impossible to remove- with usual user privileges which might be a security problem,
  9. Why is it sooo slow?
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I've used Sailfish X on an Xperia X 5121 daily since day one and can state for the record I have never experienced point 1, 2, 4, 7, & 9. I don't feel 5 is a problem, 6 I have never used, and as for 8 I don't have android support installed. Either the latter is your problem, or you have something else seriously wrong going on with your phone, but it doesn't apply to everyone.

bocephus ( 2018-02-21 08:31:50 +0300 )edit

Can camera button be improved so that it would open camera even when screen locked?

Also would like that Nordea mobile bank android app would work again. Newest version 2.6.1 FI 100987 doesn't work with or

What about USB OTG on Xperia X? Would really need this for one Android app.

peakki ( 2018-02-21 08:45:44 +0300 )edit

Webview stuttering and email client freezing are because of big.LITTLE architecture not being taken.into consideration when allocating corea to processes. It is a very hard task to implement in in kernel 3.x, but for Xperia X there is Android 7 AOSP release based on kernel 4.4, which would improve that quite a bit. Let's hope Sailfish 3 is built on top of that (I have no idea whether it is or not).

Direc ( 2018-02-21 23:41:18 +0300 )edit

@bocephus Webview slowness is a known issue and you will encounter it if you open an email containing html or use an app based on QtWebkit

Sthocs ( 2018-02-22 01:24:12 +0300 )edit
  1. I should say camera launch speed and reliability in Android Apps actually has improved.
DarkTuring ( 2018-02-22 23:01:34 +0300 )edit

answered 2018-02-22 17:11:32 +0300

clovis86 gravatar image

Spotify audio via BT is stuttering if wifi is enabled ( and connected to 3G/4G network )

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happens to me in SFOS streaming apps, Pandora based clients, on mobile data, or WIFI and usually disappears after a few minutes, seems like a bandwidth issue.

DarkTuring ( 2018-02-22 23:01:34 +0300 )edit

answered 2018-02-25 22:31:30 +0300

Asmir gravatar image

Jolla C, SFOS ver.

Opening the links don't work in android apps (such as whatapp, tapatalk, e-mail clients and others). After touching the link android app crashes. Restarting Aliendalvik helps.

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answered 2018-03-12 00:17:15 +0300

Aposke gravatar image

updated 2018-03-12 00:57:04 +0300

Jolla Phone 1 gets stuck on update screen

After trying to go through the update process as usual, my phone rebooted and showed the "Sailfish OS" install screen with the progress bar. However, it seems to have gotten stuck at this screen and, for the past 5 hours, the progress bar hasn't changed. Is there any safe way to restart the installation process? I don't particularly want to take out the battery and potentially brick my phone.

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My Jolla 1 also stuck on the "Unable to update - Reboot now"-screen (updating from to and I was unable to reboot my J1 even with a minute long power key press, so I was forced to take out the battery and fortunately my Jolla didn't brake and I was able to update after that. :)

Alex ( 2018-03-12 01:39:52 +0300 )edit

Thank you! I tried just removing the battery like you did, and it worked! Everything was fine, and now it's updating normally. Thanks for your help :)

Aposke ( 2018-03-12 02:49:40 +0300 )edit

answered 2018-02-20 12:20:45 +0300

thisisme gravatar image

Joilla C, tried to update from, after downloading I chose to install update and the process seems stuck. I looked at /var/log/systemupdate.log and the same thing seems to be repeating over and over - maliit service fails to start up, then osupdate service restarts: systemupdate.log

Should I reboot at this point? Or will the procedure time out eventually?

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Hi, reboot and try again. It would be good to get all of the following logs and printout from the commands. Please file a help request then at https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. Attach the logs there.

rpm -qa
ssu lr
export COLUMNS=400; journalctl -a -n10000
jovirkku ( 2018-02-20 14:01:29 +0300 )edit

Hi, thank you for your guidance . I already tried rebooting but the same thing happens. I will try one more time to gather the requested logs when I get home!

thisisme ( 2018-02-20 15:07:31 +0300 )edit

Hi, I got the same issue with mij Jolla C

BoertjE ( 2018-02-20 15:12:31 +0300 )edit

Hi, issue opened:


thisisme ( 2018-02-20 19:21:18 +0300 )edit

Did a retry at home on the Jolla C again, update worked now. My Xperia X was succesfull updated at work the first time.

BoertjE ( 2018-02-20 22:18:18 +0300 )edit

answered 2018-02-20 17:39:57 +0300

idnovic gravatar image

updated 2018-02-21 03:51:24 +0300


I downgraded from to and was able to update to

Update log still empty....

I am not able to update (XperiaX) from I deactivated all patches. Update log is empty. I already fixed the "internal" repos.

Already tried ssu release and version --dup. Updated about 12 packages.

ssu release && version --dup

ssu tells me I am on but the rest of the system thinks I am on (About Device, Update Notification) - If I update over the gui I get:

Unable to update Sailfish OS. Please try again later

The update notification is still remembering me to update to

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Jolla never intended for any regular user or early access subscriber to update to Let this be a lesson to you. Maybe next time you'll stay away from the command line and do what all children eventually have to learn to do: WAIT.

bocephus ( 2018-02-22 03:59:24 +0300 )edit
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Asked: 2018-02-15 13:59:39 +0300

Seen: 31,955 times

Last updated: Jun 05 '18