List / Guide: Reserved and free gestures in SailfishOS
asked 2014-01-24 14:31:53 +0200
![this post is marked as community wiki](/m/default/media/images/wiki.png?v=4)
This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
The meaning of this post is to offer a place to check reserved gestures for posts with feature-requests or ideas concerning usage of gestures, and to work as a "central linking place" for all these questions. Answers here represents all reserved gestures in Sailfish OS.
- Feel free to link answers of this wiki to your own questions.
- Feel free to add your own question as a link to any of the answers here. You can edit your link directly to the answer, leaving comments for any discussion.
Note: Image presents some of the possible gestures. Icons for double tap, swipe+peek and multi-finger gestures are not presented by Jolla (when presented, image might need an update). All other icons are in use e.g. at
Direct links to answers (All Sailfish OS gestures in use)
- System wide reserved gestures since
- Sleep screen / Lock screen / Unlock screen
- Events screen + Twitter feed
- Home screen + Home screen covers
- Launcher screen(s)
- Favourite Ambiences screen
- Application screen (reserved gestures concerning all applications)
- Pulley menus (reserved gestures concerning using pulley menus in general)
Link list: questions concerning gestures affecting on several screens. Edit to add your own:
- landscape mode in keyboard gestures browser and messages
- screenborder swipe
- custom push actions gestures
- suggestion provide screenshot shortcut
- suggestion swipe selection
- suggestion new gesture to close app
- put 5 point multi touch to use
- ability to hide keyboard
- swiping is too sensitive about direction
- gesture sensitivity
- ui dont highlight list entries when flicking
- pull down to close lock screen
- Alarm clock unintuitive -- gestures instead of pulley menu
- Faster way to Phone and Contact, e.g. 4 ticks on screen
- Selection of multiple e-mails at once
Great posting, really helpful for anyone wanting to know all about the gestures in use in Jolla. One tiny suggestion; would be nice if in the link-lists the question title was shown as the link-text and not the full URL. This way it would be much easier to see which question that is.
foss4ever ( 2014-01-24 18:34:10 +0200 )edit@jjaone I like your idea, feel free to edit. This is a wiki :)
simo ( 2014-01-24 18:44:33 +0200 )edit@simo I'm happy to leave the editing to someone who is hanging around in this forum with desktop browser ;)
foss4ever ( 2014-01-24 18:56:32 +0200 )edit@jgr great work!
simo ( 2014-01-25 11:17:46 +0200 )edit@simo: Thanks for the flowers. By the way: You did not mention the pinch open/close (zoom action). It works for example in Sailfish browser (not on Jolla2gether) and Sailfish e-mail (when html formatted).
jgr ( 2014-01-25 20:14:30 +0200 )edit